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                       *Hufflepuff Y/N is stressing out over O.W.L.S*

                Hermione sat next to you, rubbing your shoulders while you were hunched over your book, studying hard. You had been studying for hours with this book and your brain wasn't comprehending anything. Your eyes burning with tears as they tried to stream down your face, but you forced them back.

            "Love, you need a break." You refused to look up at her. "No, I don't." Hermione kissed your head, putting a soft hand on your thigh. "Love, look at me." You continued to study, ignoring the request. Your vision was becoming blurry with pent up tears.

              Hermione grabbed your face gently, lifting it up so you would look at her. Suddenly, it all crashed down onto you. The anxiety. The headache. The panic. It all weighed you down and you needed to release your stress. You began to cry, collapsing into Hermione's arms.

             Hermione held you close as you sobbed, kissing your head and rubbing circles on your back. She pulled you onto her lap, wrapping her arms around you tight as you cried soft tears into her neck. Silent tears. Hermione whispered in your ear, slowly soothing you as you wept. 

             "It's okay, love. Just calm down. I'm right here. I've got you." She rocked you as your heavy, fast breathing slowed into deep, slow breaths. All that weight on your shoulders released when you broke down in tears. All the tension that prevented you from sleeping.

           You had fallen asleep in Hermione's arms, making your lover smile down at you. She kissed your head before laying you down into your bed, turning off your lights as she climbed in next to  you, holding you tight. "I love you."

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