Lion VS Lion

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              *Ron and Hermione fight over Y/N*

        It all started when you had transferred from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Now that you're going to Hogwarts, it was a pretty big adjustment. You, a fifth year, sat in Potions, adjusting your Slytherin tie thoughtfully. You sat closer to the Gryffindors than any other Slytherin, so one very nosy and redheaded student easily caught sight of you. Though you didn't notice.

Ron's Thrid Person POV

              Ron boredly listened to Snape snap instructions at the class. He wanted something else to pay attention to, so he looked around, and his eyes easily caught a h/c-haired girl. He was transfixed on her as she bit her soft lips in concentration, unaware of Ron staring.  His eyes raked over her cat-like eyes, her cheshire cat grin, which Ron thought was adorable because of her face shape, and her soft, plump lips. He wondered how such a beautiful girl could be in Slytherin. 

Hermione's Thrid Person POV

                Hermione was scribbling down notes for basically everything Snape said, when she very unfortunately dropped her quill, and it happened to land right next to a certain Slytherin's foot. The foreign girl bent down to grab it, handing it to a annoyed Hermione. "Here, you seem to have dropped this." she said with a small smile. Hermione's heart skipped a beat. She took the quill awkwardly as she took in the girl's face. 

                        Her teeth were pearly white (Hermione's parents would be proud), and her skin was pale/tan/dark. She had e/c eyes and a cute little smile, but a definite cheshire cat grin. She payed close attention to everything Snape said, but still hadn't noticed the two students staring at her. And Harry was just oblivious to it all, while staring at Draco (wink wink).

Back to your POV

                  You began to notice something strange as the day progressed. You heard arguing from two students, and the other just looking flat-out confused. "I saw her first Hermione!" Hermione rolled her eyes at the redheaded boy. "We both have equal right to go after her." Harry chimed in, looking seriously confused. "Do you two even know her name?" Ron and Hermione looked sheepishly at the ground. "W-well, no." Ron admitted, shuffling his feet.

                You walked over, smiling innocently. "I couldn't help to overhear you two arguing. Hey, I remember you!" you added, pointing to Hermione and grinning your cheshire cat grin. "You dropped your quill earlier today. Hope it didn't break, Hermione. But I don't know you two. What are your names?" you asked, pointing at Ron and Harry.

               Ron looked a bit hurt, and Hermione looked truimphant. "I-I'm Ron." Harry smiled, offering to shake your hand. "And I'm Harry. Harry Potter." You smiled wide, shaking his hand. "Ah! So you're the famous Harry Potter I've been hearing about! I'm Y/N L/N." Harry nodded, then you got a mischievious pair of eyes to go with your grin. "Y'know, Draco talks about you a two have a thing going on or...?"

            Harry turned red while Ron snickered. Hermione chuckled while grinning, which you found way cuter than Ron. You got a weird feeling in your stomache, but you pushed it down. It's probably nothing, you told yourself. (that's what they say in horror movies when they hear a noise. Then they are the first to die🙃)

             You laugh. "I need to go study, but we'll talk later." Hermione's eyes lit up. "What are you studying?" You scratch the back of your head. "Well, I'm an Animagus, so I'll probably be studying Tranfiguration." Hermione squealed like a little girl and clapped her hands. "I want to help you study!" You giggled. "Why are you getting so excited over studying? You're already the brightest witch of our age."

                  Hermione grinned. "I love studying! And plus," she said, leaning closer to you, her hot breath fanning your lips. You gulped, heart racing. "It's studying with you. I would love to spend some time with you." Your face was red, you were flustered. Ron's face was red because Hermione was stealing you right in front of him. "I...wouldn't you rather study with me Y/N?"

               You blushed and looked at the ground. "" Harry snapped. "Okay, what the hell you two?! Just tell her you both like her for fuck's sake!" You looked up, confused. "What now?" Hermione rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, which you found cute. "W-well, uh....both Ron and me like you..." She ended the sentence with an awkward laugh.

             You took a breath and looked at Ron. "Sorry man. I'm not really into boys. But I am into girls." Ron walked away quickly, flushing because he was crushing on a gay bitch, and you turned to Harry. "Harry, Draco told me to give you this. Read it somewhere that isn't here." Harry took the letter eagerly and walked off, leaving you and Hermione.

              You pinned Hermione to the corridor's wall and kissed her hard and rough, taking Hermione by surprise. Hermione kissed you back with just as much force and flipped you over to where she was pinning you to the wall instead. You both pulled away, grinning and breathless. "So, uh..." you began nervously, fully aware that Hermione was very close. Hermione grinned but turned red from the words that came out of your mouth. "You're my bitch now." Hermione grinned wider. "I wouldn't have it any other way, love." Then she pulled you into a gentle loving kiss. This was something you could get used to.

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