My Property

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   *Hufflepuff Y/N is mad at Hermione for hanging out with Ron too much*

               You dragged Hermione to your room, slamming the door behind you. No one was in the common room, because Hufflepuff was going against Slytherin in a quidditch match. "What the fuck Hermione?!" Hermione looked shook and annoyed. "What did I do?" You growled angrily. "You spend way too much of your time with Ron! When he's around, it's like I don't exist! We all know he likes you!"

              "You're being dramatic!" You hissed angrily back at her, pinning her to the wall. "Am I? Am I really being dramatic? Maybe I'll get a goddamned award then, if I'm being so fucking dramatic! Am I bothering you with how much I'm scared to lose you?" Hermione narrowed her eyes into furious slits. "Why would you be scared to lose me? There's no way I would ever leave you, douchebag!"

              This was the first real fight you and Hermione had. Usually, you always agreed with Hermione, and you and Hermione were just cute and sweet, no fights, no back-talk. But today, today was different. "Ron's the douchebag here! Not me, Mione! I haven't done shit to him, and he still hates me! He thinks he's all that, when he is a no-good little-"

                Hermione cut you off with an aggressive kiss. She pulled back, her eyes dark. "Love, you're really hot when you're mad, but please shut up." You glared at her. "Why should I?" Hermione's voice lowered to a dangerous whisper. "Because if you don't, I might soak through my pants."

                 You aggressively sucked and bit on her neck, Hermione gasping at the sudden contact. You pressed her harder into the wall, leaving marks all over her neck as you kissed, licked, and bit all over her neck, slowly taking off the top of her uniform. "F-fuck..." You whispered huskily into her ear, making her shudder. "I'm going to show you how to obey Daddy."

         You threw the top of her uniform down onto the floor then threw her into your bed. You trapped her between your legs as you pulled out your wand. "Accio." you muttered, and suddenly there was a dog collar in your hand. Black with durable spikes. (as shown above)

              You put it on her neck, Hermione not resisting as you used the Summoning Charm a few more times. Eventually, you had summoned a rope, leash, strap-on, blade, and a whip. Hermione flushed heavily, her mind going some dirty places.

              You took off the rest of Hermione's clothing, then taking off your own. You grabbed the rope and tied Hermione's wrist to your post bed. You clipped the leash onto Hermione's collar, fondling with her nipples as you held the leash with your teeth. "Mm...Ah!"the soft moans that spilled from Hermione's mouth suddenly increased in volume as you plunged your teeth into her inner thigh, running your tongue along the bleeding mark you made.

                     She didn't bleed a whole bunch, but just enough to write "She's mine." on her thigh. You turned Hermione over onto her stomache, grabbing the whip and the strap. Hermione groaned as you slid the long and thick piece of plastic into her ass at a continuous pace. Suddenly, you cracked the whip onto her ass, making her gasp with pleasure. 

                     With your free hand, you took the leash out of your mouth, then pulled roughly on the leash, choking Hermione. You heard Hermione moan, even through the pressure on her throat. You slowly loosened your grip on the leash, and began to thrust faster into Hermione. "This is your punishment for not realizing that you're mine now. No one else can fuck with you. You understand?" you whispered to her. Hermione nodded in response.

            You could tell Hermione was about to cum. "Not yet, slut." you whispered, your thrusts getting harder and quicker. Hermione was gasping for breath, gripping onto your bed sheets, moaning loudly, moans filled with ectstasy. You whipped her again, making her moans increase in length and volume.

                Suddenly, you stopped as you had the entire strap inside Hermione's ass, making her groan. "P-please...c-continue..." she moaned. You shifted, the strap moving teasingly inside her. "What's my name puppy?" Hermione moaned out the name she called you in bed, to go along with the name puppy.

               "Master...p-please...NGH~!" You began to thrust in and out of her again, her struggles to keep herself from cumming becoming clear. "You've been a good girl. Go ahead and cum..." You slowed down as Hermione came, and when she finished, you took out the strap and flipped her around.

              You grabbed the blade and slid it across Hermione's lower stomache, making a shallow cut. Hermione moaned at the contact with the cool metal, and moaned even louder as you suck on the cut. You slowly entered Hermione with the strap, which wasn't hard considering how wet she was, as you continued to suck, bite, and run your tongue along the shallow cut, leaving a hickey. 

            You thrust quickly as you cut her again, this time on her neck. You sucked on it harshly. "F-fuck...Y/N!" You grinned into her neck and you thrusted even faster. 'M-MASTER~! OH FUCK! NGH!" You muttered into her ear again. "You're being a good girl. Go ahead and cum."

            As she finished, you grabbed her leash and pulled her close to your face. "Don't cum until I tell you that you can." Then you let go of her leash, kissing down Hermione's stomache and to her clit. You licked your lips as you neared her throbbing heat, not yet satisfied.

            You ran your tongue along her wet folds, repetitively teasing the outside of her wet sex. You rubbed her vagina with three of your fingers, not entering her with your fingers as you plunged your tongue deep into your entrance. "NGHH!"

            You began to touch her sensually with your free hand, making her quiver. You felt the goosebumps spread where you touched her. You moved your tongue inside of your girlfriend, then slipped a finger inside of her core. "H-holy shit..." Hermione breathed, trying not to cum as she gripped your sheets.

                  You slid a second and third finger into her, keeping your tongue in her pussy as you pumped in and out of her. Eventually, you were either going to let her pass out, or let her cum. And of course, you chose the obvious. "Good puppy. Cum for me." You whispered against her core, where she quickly came all over your fingers and mouth.

             You cleaned yourself off as you grabbed the blade again, this time using it to cut off the rope that connected Hermione's wrist to your bed. Then you undid the collar and leash, but admired your handiwork on her body.

           You kissed Hermione lovingly as she stared up at you, exhausted. "Love, I'm sorry I was such an ass about it. I should trust you more." Hermione kissed you back, smiling at you. "I'm sorry too. Next time he gets too close, I'll send him off with a bit of Crucio." You chuckled. "Wanna sleep?" Hermione nodded. 

             As you two girls got under covers, cuddled up with each other, Hermione whispered in your ear. "You should get mad more often." You giggled and kissed her head. "Why, me? I'd never get mad, especially not at my dear friend Hermione!" Hermione gave you a chaste kiss on your lips. "I love you." You smiled warmly at her. "I love you too Mione."

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