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*Pansy is flirting with Slytherin Y/N*

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                  You sat in Snape's class, reading your Potions book since Snape had to run a quick errand. "Hey, Y/N." she said, making eye contact and smiling. You nodded awkwardly. "Sup." Pansy bit her lip and looked you up and down. "You look good, like always." You shifted nervously. "Uh, thanks..."

                      Pansy hooked her fingers under your chin, tilting your face around to get other angles of it. "I don't understand. No matter which way I look at you, you're still so beautiful..." Hermione turned her head around to look at you when she overheard this.

                    "I...uh..." Hermione approached, putting a possesive hand on your shoulder. "I think my girlfriend knows this already. I've already told her. In bed." You choked on air. Pansy looked embarrassed. "I'm just going to go...." Pansy backed away slowly and sat down in her seat.

                   "T-thanks babe." Hermione kissed your head and grinned. "No problem. Pansy just needed to remember that your my property."

A/N: Sorry it was so short!

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now