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                                     *Y/N gets insecure about her weight and looks*

(In this one-shot, you are Dumbledore's adopted grandchild)

                I sat on my bed, my uniform discarded onto the floor, and I was standing in front of a full length mirror. I poked my stomache, feeling insecure. Hermione, my girlfriend, walked into the room. "Y'know, Y/N Dumbledore, for a Hufflepuff, you aren't very nice to yourself." I groaned and turned to her, pouting. "But I look gross." Hermione frowned and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tight. "You are not gross."

               I groaned again and pushed her away. "Yes I am. Pansy's prettier than me, and I'm probably fatter than Harry's cousin Dudley!" Hermione crossed her arms. "You are not fat, love. You are way prettier. No, forget pretty. You are way hotter than Pansy." I groaned and flopped onto my bed. "But I-" Hermione climbed on top of me, kissing me gently. "No buts." I glared at her. "You know I don't like it when you're on top." Hermione laughed. "If you're so insecure, then maybe you don't-" I leaped up and pinned her to my bed. Hermione laughed again.

               "You know, you really are something." I leaned down and whispered next to her lips, my hot breath fanning hers, making Hermione shudder. "If you keep talking, I might have to tell you to shut up."  Hermione smirked. "Make me." I kissed the sensitive area behind her ear and whispered to her. "I think I'll just make you louder..." She pushed me off, making me pout. 

                 "Nope. Not until you admit you're perfect." I sighed and looked at my body sadly. I felt disgusting. "No. Becasue I'm not. I'm so fucking fat." Hermione glared at me. "Love, you are scrawnier than Harry, and that's almost impossible. You're just more toned. You have more muscle than Harry does." I groaned again. "No, I'm not. And my face looks like a wolf ravaged it."

                  Hermione scooted closer to me, putting her hand on my cheek. She wiped away a tear that I didn't even know was there. "Baby girl, you are beautiful. Your face is the thing I want to see the most every day. Your body is perfect just the way it is. You are not fat, and you are not ugly. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen." I met her eyes. "You mean that?" Hermione nodded and pulled me close. "I wouldn't ever lie to you." I lifted my eyes and cheekily smiled. I pushed her down onto my bed again. "Mind if I continue?" Hermione chuckled. "I guess you can."

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now