Fuck you, Malfoy Part 1

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You walked steadily through the halls, your head pridefully lifted. You were a pureblood, a Slytherin, and a Malfoy. You walked with ease. You wrinkled your nose with disgust as you walked past Hermione Granger, world's biggest know-it-all.

"Malfoy." She said disdainfully. Hot. Of course you thought she was hot. There was no denying it. But you hated her guts. You'd fuck her if she asked though.

"Mudblood." You say, looking coldly into her eyes. Hermione rolled her eyes and kept walking, but it didn't stop you from checking out her ass. You smirked and kept walking as well.

Draco hugged you from behind, yawning. "Hey big sis..." As you were a year older than him, he made it his priority to be the most affectionate little brother he could possibly be. Not to mention the most accepting.

You laughed and and rubbed his hand affectionately. "What's up dipshit?" Draco laughed and let you go, letting you turn around and look at him.

His eyes gleamed jokingly. It was the soft side nobody but you and your mother has seen. "If anybody else called me dipshit, our father would here about this."

You chuckled and gave him a hug. Draco hugged you back, relaxing in your arms as you played with his strikingly blonde hair.

"I love you sis..." He mumbled, nuzzling you. You grinned and kissed his forehead. "Love you too you slimy toad." He laughed and walked with you to your next class. Which you had with Granger.

You ruffled his hair in goodbye, and sat in your assigned seat. Professor Snape looked at you. "Ms. Malfoy." You smirked. "Mr. Snape." Severus rolled his eyes. "It's Profes-"

"Do you have a doctorate degree, Mr. Snape?" Snape shook his head. "Well no I-" You sighed, smirking deviously. "Then it's Mr. Snape." Snape rolled his eyes.

"Go sit with Ms. Granger. You'll be working with her." You rolled your eyes. Whatever Snape. You pulled Ron by his hair and threw him into your seat. "Move over Weasle." Ron rolled his eyes and mouthed, "kinky!" to Harry, who snickered.

You payed some attention to Snape. "We are making a potion called Heart's Desire. Any of you idiots know what that is?" Hermione's hand shot up immediately, and no one else's did.

"What is it Ms. Granger?" He asked with a sigh. "It's a particularly easy love potion. If you drink the potion it makes you confess to the person you feel romantic attraction to what they feel and if any... All your sexual fantasies that you have of them."

She finished speaking,  Snape nodded. "Now don't waste my time. Go on! Start on the potion!"

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