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You and your girlfriend sat in the Great Hall, leaning against each other. You two were the Hogwarts otp. Drarry came in second I promise.

You were debating whether or not to go to an extreme of flirting. You both were sitting at the Hufflepuff table, since last week you sat with the Gryffindors. Everyone in Hufflepuff knew that behind her back, you called her your wife. Hermione had no clue though. So you decided it would be fun to call her your wife. You wanted to see her reaction.

But you kept hesitating. What if she doesn't like it? What if she wants to divorc- I mean break up- after I do? What if she thinks I'm tryna smash? Well, I can do that anyway so there is no "try". Your internal debate was kind of funny.

So when there was a question directed toward you and Hermione's relationship, you found yourself blurting out an answer without thinking. "My wife and I have been on a total of 32 dates through this year of dating." Your friends' eyes gleamed with mischief.

"OoOoOh~ does Hermione even know you call her that when she isn't around? Well, now she does, she's right there-" Your cheeks flushed a little as you looked over at Hermione, whose jaw had dropped and her cheeks had turned a shade of pink.

"Y-your w-wife?" She looked at you with shocked eyes. You grinned sheepishly. "I've been calling you my wife since I had gotten a crush on you and it stuck." She gently cupped your cheeks in her hands, her eyes filled with love.

Your friends had went into intense shipping mode, watching you both with big smiles. "Omg, Bethany this is awesome-" you heard your best friend Milo, from America, whisper. They were more happy about this then all of your friends. Enby gays. Sigh ❤️.

Hermione stroked your cheek lovingly, her eyes still locked with yours. "You know, I like the sound of being your wife." She smiled softly. You leaned close to her face, your breath teasing her lips. "Guess I'll have to put a ring on it when we get into seventh year."

She kissed you gently, pulling you closer to her. You heard Milo shout, "YASS! Queens slay! Get that girl Y/N!" You barely heard them though. You were too focused on Hermione. Your future. Your future wife.

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