It All Changed At Midnight (NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL!!)

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*Ravenclaw Y/N decides to spend break with Hermione, and a special change happens*

              Love is like a drug. It messes with your head, and blinds you when it comes to signs the other loves you as well.  It was like this in your case. You were madly in love with your best friend, Hermione, but you were oblivious to the signs she liked you as well.

                 You stood with her on a balcony, (Crookshanks in Hermione's room) under the pale moonlight. You admired her face as the dazzling silvery white light lit up and shadowed her face in all the right places. The beautiful sight mesmerized you. Unfortunately for you, Hermione sensed you staring and turned to you, smiling shyly. "Why are you staring?" You shrug, the pale light on on you're flushed cheeks highlighting your cheekbones.

              "N-no reason." Hermione smiled and checked her phone. "It's nearly midnight. What is your New Year's wish?" You fiddled with your fingers. "I want to be be able to ask out my I guess more courage?" Hermione elbowed you. "No wonder you aren't in Gryffindor."

               "What about you, Mione?" you asked, rolling your eyes playfully. "I...I want to kiss someone close to me, so I guess I just wish for a chance with them." You smiled awkwardly at your feet, feeling heart broken. There was no way it could be you. You just had to face it now. "15 seconds until midnight." Hermione stated, turning completely over to you.




        "Y/N?" You smiled at her, hiding your pain well. "Yes, Mione?" Hermione took your hands in hers. "I need to tell you something."



         You cocked your head to the side. "What is it?" Hermione took a deep breath.




         "Y/N...I like you." Hermione cupped your cheek with her hand, her eyes searching deep into your soul.



         Hermione kissed you passionately as you heard the Grandfather clock in the house chime loudly, signaling midnight. Your eyes widened in surprise, but you secured your hand on the back of her neck and kissed her back, making Hermione smile against your lips.

           She brushed her tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You playfully denied her, making a low growl rise from her throat. She pushed you against the balcony ledge (it was secure and tall. Don't worry, you won't fall), pinning you to it with her hips as she kissed you softly, yet aggressively. Eventually you did allow her entrance into her mouth, your arms wrapping tight around her waist.

              You both broke away, panting for breath, making clouds form in the chilly night air. "That" Hermione giggled at your awkward nature. "I'm sorry if that was a bit to forward." You tightened your grip on her waist and looked her directly in the eyes, the moonlight reflective on your e/c orbs, making them glow. "I liked it." Hermione snuggled into you, burying her nose in your neck. "I love you." You kissed her head, then resting your forehead on the top of her head. "I love you too, Mione. Happy New Year."

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