Fuck you, Malfoy Part 3

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You both were silent as Snape walked you to the Potions room. He smirked. "Now, get to work. I'll be back in a hour." You nodded at Hermione, who sat down as you sat next to her.

"So... I'm assuming we're doing this in order." You say jokingly. Hermione slapped you arm playfully. "Obviously you stupid git."

You laughed and began with lavender petals. As you progressed in the potion, the time felt like it flew by. By the time you were done, you took a deep breath and poured both you and Hermione a glass.

You took a breath, suddenly hella nervous. You looked each other in the eyes and drank the portions down. After a minute of holding your breath, you suddenly felt the urge to confess. You had no control over the words that came out of your mouth.

"Hermione, I'm in love with you, though my stubborn arse would never admit it if I were sober. You're so hot, beautiful, and sweet..." You're next words were husky. "And there are a lot of things I want you to do to me... I'd fuck you if you asked." You ended at that, feeling yourself become sober.

Hermione spilled too. "I'm in love with you Y/N. I've hid it for so long because I figured you'd never be interested in a Muggleborn witch. Now...the things that cross my mind when I see you..." Her voice got low. "I think you can imagine the things I want to do to you..." She grabbed your inner thighs teasingly, pulling her hands away as she felt herself become sober, blushing darkly.

Snape smirked. "Ten points for Gryffindor and Slytherin." You swiftly looked over at Snape, who was standing in the doorway.

"Your detention is over. You can do whatever you want to now. I assure you your grades are above acceptable." He said, walking out. You and Hermione looked at each other shyly.

"So...uh..." You smirked and stood up, pulling her up by her arm. You took her by her shoulders and slammed her into the wall. She whimpered and squirmed, oddly loving the feeling of your nails digging into her.

"So...you want to do shit to me, do you?" You ask silkily, a lustful and relieved look in you eyes. Hermione bit her lip, trying not to give in to her urges to fuck you speechless. She fought back a shudder as you took a thumb and ran it across her lip.

"You going to answer me?" You ask, hot breath fanning her lips. Your breath smelled like hot cocoa and mint, reminding her of Christmas. It reminded her of the fact that it was almost Christmas break, and that if things go where she thinks they are, she'll get you all alone this Christmas.

"Yeah, and you're making it hard not to take you on the table." Hermione muttered, her face flushed. You chuckled, your eyes close to hers and your lips grazing hers. "Get me in the Room of Requirement and you've got me. Snape's tables are bit unsanitary."

Hermione smirked as you tugged her hair. "Oh? So you want me to take you?" You smirked, taking her lip between your bottom teeth and winking at her. You could feel a throbbing heat between your legs. And as a dominant bottom, you wanted to make her your slut, ordering her to fuck you the way you want it.

"Baby girl, of course I want you..." You said quietly, letting go of her lip. You crashed you lips against hers roughly, moaning lowly into the kiss when she gripped your hair.

She slid her tongue into your mouth, tangling it with yours in a desperate fight for control. She ended up flipping the position around, your back now against the wall. You groaned, slapping her ass hard. She looked like the type who would like that. And she did. She growled dangerously into your mouth, her knee between yours.

Hermione smirked against your lips, then whispered against them. "Let's find the Room of Requirement, shall we?"

A/N: Receipts? 😉

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