I Just Kinda Wish You Were Gay

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                     You stared at Hermione in the Great Hall, her chatting away with Ron. You figured that they would get together soon. I mean, it was so obvious. Even though you were Ron's twin, you felt you weren't equal, as if even if you were of the male sex, you still wouldn't be able to compete. You felt tears well up in your eyes at the thought, but you pushed them back.

                      You sighed and took a long drink of water to clear the lump in your throat. Hermione smiled at you as you put the cup down, you smiling painfully back at her. She knew you were [insert sexuality], but she didn't know you liked her. But it was very obvious, except to Ron and Hermione. Lucky for you, Draco thought you were the only cool Weasley and hung out with you all the time, so you got up and walked over to him, making Hermione frown.

                      "Malfoy, can I crash in your room tonight?" Draco gave you a look of inquirement before glancing over at Hermione, suddenly understanding. "Yes, of course. Can't tell Dumbledore though!" he teased. You gave him a quick hug before walking out of the Great Hall, Hermione's mocha brown eyes trailing after you.


               You packed a bag and slung it over your shoulder, walking through the corridors before Hermione caught up to you. "Y/N! Where are you going?!" You frowned, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm staying with a friend tonight." Hermione frowned back at you. "Did I do something wrong? You didn't seem too happy at dinner."

            You sighed and looked at the ground. "I just kinda wish you were gay." you mumbled, starting to walk again, faster this time. Hermione grabbed you tightly by the hand, stopping you. "Wait, what?" You shook your hand, loosening her grip and pulling your hand away.

           "Let me go Mione." Hermione grabbed you by the waist an pulled you in for a kiss. "I don't like Ron, Y/N, if that's what you think." she mumbled. "Good."

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