Loud but Silent (Silence Part 3)

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(I will be changing perspective slightly to where I say "you" instead of "Y/N")

        "Actually...I was hoping it could...escalate." Hermione whispered to you as she slowly pinned you too the bed. Your breath hitched as she nipped your ear. "Do you know if you're mute to the point where you don't make noise?" You shrug, genuinely not knowing. You had never actually been touched the way she was touching you. The way she was trailing her fingers over your body in a sensual way, wanting to feel what places made you quiver the most.

         "Is this okay?" Hermione asked, slowly taking off your top. You nodded, blushing heavily as she took your tie between her teeth and slowly pulled it loose then completely off, keeping eye contact with you.

          The only thing above your waist she hadn't taken off was your bra. She began kissing and licking your neck slowly, trailing down to your collarbone, then down to your breasts. You were wearing a bra that hooked in the front, How convienient. She used her teeth to unhook it, her tongue brushing your breasts teasingly as she did so. 

          She discarded your bra onto the floor, than began kissing all over your breasts, making you whimper. "Baby~" she purred seductively as she made her way down to your nipples. as soon as her tongue brushed over the sensitive area of your breast, you let out a long groan, making Hermione smirk. "I like that sound. Please keep it up." She continued to run her tongue along the bud, then twisting the other with her long, slender fingers.

         "Ngh!" The sound left your throat loudly as she continued to toy with your breasts. "You like that?" You nodded, making her smirk. She kept eye contact with you as she slipped her fingers into your bottoms and panties, pulling them down, slipping past your knees then sliding off your ankles. She continued to keep eye contact with you as she bent her body down towards your pussy.

        Her hot breath fanned your wet folds, making you let out a whine of need, feeling your throbbing, hot core being breathed on making it ten times worse. She teased you, running her tongue along your pussy lips, but not touching anything but the outside. You groaned, pushing her face closer to your pussy. 

         She took the hint and ran her tongue against the walls of your entrance, then plunging it in deeper. "Nngh~!" The low moan left your mouth as her tongue slipped deeper into your pussy. Slowly, she slid a finger inside of you, while keeping her tongue inside. She began to pump in and out of you with that finger, while swirling your tongue in your entrance. 

        "NGH! MMMPH~!" You moaned loudly as she slipped a second finger into you, removing her tongue gradually as her finger pace got faster and harder. Then she added a third, making you moan even louder. Eventually, the build-up got so intense that you were about to cum. Hermione sensed this and whispered into your ear. "Don't you dare cum yet. I'm not finished with you." 

         She pulled her fingers out of you, then with a flick of her wand and a mutter under her breath, you realized it was a Summoning Charm. "Accio." You had heard it come out of her mouth, and within seconds, there was something in her hands. A fucking strap-on. She stripped off her clothes, and you felt it getting harder not to cum.

          She pressed the tip of the nine-inches into your pussy, making you groan and grind your hips for more. She began to slide in and out of you, slowly getting closer to it's full length. Eventually, when she had begun pumping in and out of you, the whole thing going inside, she began to quicken her pace, thrusting harder.

        "NGHH~!" You gripped your sheets until your knuckles turned white. You weren't sure if you could go much longer without cumming. Since Hermione knew pretty much everything about your facial expressions, she knew what your face meant. "Go ahead and release baby. You've earned it." she began to slow down to let you ride out your orgasm. Since she had made you build up for so long, you had squirted all over the strap-on.

                "Now turn around onto your belly." Hermione growled. You obeyed, like the bottom you were being at the moment. You felt the tip touch your ass's entrance, and you let out a loud moan as you felt her slap your ass. You felt the strap-on slide into you from behind, making you groan loudly. She didn't waste time being gentle and went (not-so) straight into being rough, which you greatly enjoyed. 

               You felt your stomache clench with the need to cum again within moments, and once again, Hermione leaned down and whispered. "Don't cum yet." You moaned loudly as she continued to get faster and harder with every thrust, then sliding her fingers into your pussy at the same time, filling up both your holes. She kept thrusting into both holes, making it hard not to release. "NGH!" 

                 Hermione leaned down and whispered to you again. "Stand up, front against the wall." You did as you were told again, and you felt something snap against your ass, making you moan. It was your tie. "You like that, don't you? You naughty little bitch. I 'aught to teach you a lesson." You moaned in response to the next slap to the ass you recieved from the tie.

            She started thrusting into your ass again, grinding hard against you. "NGHH~!" She nipped your ear and whispered. "Is it getting harder not to release?" You nodded, moaning louder as she increased her speed. "If you do, even on accident, you'll get punished." You tried to keep yourself from cumming, but it got to be to much as she slapped your ass again, then started fingering you as well.

           Hermione pushed you against the bed again, then tied your hands to it. "Sit down. It's time for your punishment." You sat down, and you felt a sharp sting on your thigh. It was Hermione's tie. You oddly enjoyed it though, and enjoyed it even more as it slapped you pussy. She put her tie down and began to tease you, touching you in your most sensitive places, making you crave more. You whimper, wanting her to just fuck you again.

            She slapped you with the tie one last time before she whispered to you again. "Don't cum until I say you can. Got it?" You nodded, and immediately you found your back was against the wall now. She had untied your wrists, and now she had tied it around your head to gag you. She began to thrust in and out of you again, as fast and as hard as she could. You were about to collapse. Your legs were quaking and you knew for sure you couldn't walk. "You can cum now."

             She ungagged you and carried you bridal style to your bed, covering you up and laying beside you, under covers as well. You both were exhausted. She kissed you softly, her warm hand caressing your waist gently. "Would you like to take a nap with me?" You nodded, curling into her, burying your nose in her neck. She kissed your head. "Sweet dreams love."

A/N: Hermione can talk dirty now. I- 🥵

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