Cheater, Cheater

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It happened a month ago. You remember it well. You saw it yourself. Of course, you had been suspecting it for a while. But you broke when you saw it. You weren't ready to finally admit to yourself it was happening. Not even when you saw the hickeys on her neck that you hadn't given her.

You both had been growing apart. When you and your ex girlfriend had sat down and ate together, there was no communication. She would talk to everybody but you. It fucking hurt.

And here you were, reflecting on it all, as Hermione herself stood in front of you, crying and begging for you back. "Y/N! I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry..." She looked you dead in the eyes and she seemed sincere. Was she really? You knew her eyes could decieve.

One year ago...

You and Hermione sat close together. You both were reading together. It was back in the days your relationship with her was intimate and loving. She wrapped her arm around you, kissing you gently. She pulled away and whispered, "I love you..." And here you were, standing in front of her a year later, questioning if that look in her eyes was even true.

Present time...

You shook your head. "I don't know what to believe anymore! I thought you were happy being fuckbuddies with Pansy?" Hermione sighed, looking down at the floor. The guilt and pain in her eyes glistened. You gritted your teeth. You hated looking at her and seeing guilt. It just reminded you of what she did.

A month ago...

You were walking to the Slytherin dorms. Draco had your potions book. Ron had took his book as a joke, so Draco had borrowed yours. Once you walked into their common room, everything changed. "I'm gonna take you in front of the other girls..." Pansy whispered sexually into Hermione's ear.

Hermione gasped as she bit her neck. "Pansy! N-no. They might tell my girlfriend-" You spoke loudly, tears slipping down your cheeks. "Tell me what Mione?! What exactly would they tell me? Care to explain?"

She looked at you, horror pure in her eyes. "L-love! I-" Draco awkwardly coughed and handed you your book back. He whispered and looked at you with empathy. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea this was happening..." You nodded, knowing it wasn't his fault.

"Just shut the fuck up Granger. We're done. Feel free to let Pansy fuck you. Just remember the way I used to do you. She'll never do you like I did." And with that, you calmly walked off, brained numbed by heartache. You barely heard Hermione as she called your name.

Present time...

You spoke softly, looking up at her. "Why would I come back to you if you hurt me like that?" Hermione begged you with her eyes. "I regret everything I've done love...I don't know why I did what I did!"

You sighed. "You cheated on me because you decided to distance yourself from me. I tried to reach out but every single time...all you did was push me away."

Your heart hurt as you looked at your ex. You couldn't help but wonder why she wanted you back. All you could see was the guilt and desperation in her eyes.

"Why do you want me again? So you can feel the satisfaction of going behind my back again?" You asked when she looked deep into your eyes.

"Never again would I do that to you... I'm a bloody idiot for hurting you like that... I want you back because I never stopped loving you, despite my fucked up way of showing you."

You looked at her skeptically. "But how can I ever trust you again? After you let that lesbian hoe touch you like that, who used to cling to heterosexuality by Draco's robes? I don't think so."

Hermione's eyes shined with determination. "I will prove it to you that you can trust me. Even if it takes me until death."

Your eyes widened slightly. You gripped the cloth of your shirt. You took a deep breath. "I'm not stopping you. But, you only have 30 days to get at least half of. Then, if not, I'm gone." She nodded, a motivation in her eyes. She wouldn't ever stop trying. No matter the cost.

A/N: Mione gonna have to work hard y'all-

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now