Fuck you, Malfoy Part 2

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You looked at Hermione with a slightly disgusted look. "Let's get to work Granger." You opened your potions book, as did Hermione. You reached for the nearest ingredient.

"What in bloody hell are you doing?!" She snarled. You rolled your eyes. "I'm preparing the Scalemanders Blood." She eyed you skeptically. "That's the second ingredient. First we put lavender petals."

"I was preparing it. Jeez, Mudblood. I'm not stupid, despite what you think of me." You sighed and pulled out the lavender petals and slowly added them to Hermione's cauldron, as the book instructed.

Hermione eyes you warily. You both added some more things as you went on, before you grumbled. "I don't understand why you can't just add the shit. Order shouldn't matter. It would be the same fucking thing."

Hermione looked horrified. "You do realize how terribly this could go wrong if you just add the ingredients in a random order? Something bad could happen! You'd think you being a sixth year would give you more common sense."

You smirked and casually added in a random ingredient on the list. You watched Granger's mocha brown eyes widen in terror as you did. It sat there. Nothing happening.

You grinned. "See! Nothing bad hap-" you were cut off by Snape approaching. "Drink it. Both of you." Your eyes widened. "But it isn't done!" His voice was monotonous. "Adding another ingredient would result in an explosion. Just drink it."

Hermione scowled dangerously at you. Hot motherfucker. You poured some for both of you, and when you finished it, you found out it handcuffed you together. She growled angrily. "Fuck you, Malfoy."

"Oi! What is this?!" You snarled, yelping as you were shocked by the handcuffs from trying to pull away. Hermione sighed with annoyance. She didn't get shocked.

"This will last for an hour. This is what happens, Malfoy, when the instructions aren't followed." Snape said smoothly. "After school is over, you have detention. Nothing too bad. It will be your chance to fix your grade. However, you'll both have to drink it when it's done."

Hermione kept her eyes narrowed at you. "And now, take this." You looked at him with slight annoyance. "What is that?" Snape fought a smirk. "Just drink it you idiot."

You took a drink of it. "Hand it to Ms. Granger now." You did as you were told, and Hermione drank some, handing the rest to Snape. "Good. Good. Have fun trying to lie to each other now."


You sat in a bed next to Hermione in Madame Pomfrey's. Hermione said nothing to you, nor you to her. Until she did say something. "Why did you fuck up our potion."

You tried not to respond. You could feel the truth rising in your throat, but you tried so hard to contain it. You spoke quietly, knowing you couldn't force it down.

"Because I was jealous of you. You're the smart one. You know what to do and usually what to say. I wished I could be half as intelligent."

Hermione looked startled. "O-oh..." Hermione nodded quietly. "I get that." You wrinkled your nose slightly. "How would you get it?" She shrugged. "Often times I'm jealous of you."

You snickered. "Who in the right mind would be jealous of me?" Hermione looked away but didn't try and stop herself from talking. She spoke clearly.

"You're a pureblood. Everyone has high expectations of you. No one underestimates you. And no one dares push you around. Unlike the way it is when your Muggleborn. You get called things like Mudblood when you're in my shoes."

You bit your lip, feeling some guilt. You knew, as a Malfoy, feelings of guilt would be frowned upon. But you didn't give a fuck.

Hermione sighed. "Why are you a bitch to me anyway?" You looked at her, unsure of what to say. But you told her the truth.

"I guess... it's because of how I was raised. My mother never really cared, but my father... He told me that blood that is impure isn't worth a struggle. Especially Muggleborns. I never got out if the habit of being a bitch. I know it isn't an excuse..." You trailed off.

Snape walked in and you realized the handcuffs were gone. "I guess we finish our last classes now..." You sighed. Snape spoke slowly. "Classes are cancelled for the rest of the day. There was an incident. Detention for you both."

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