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**You have played pretty much all the girls in 6th year**


You kept your head held high and a comfortable smirk on your face. You were a very attracted young witch, and better yet, you turned the witches in your year into simps. The only two girls that you hadn't gotten were Pansy and Hermione, a cute couple. They were your next victims.

Of course, you knew it would take some work. They were dating already, and you hadn't any clue whether or not they'd both want you at the same time. But, oddly enough, it wasn't that hard to get them both into you. You flirted plenty enough for them to catch the hint that you were interested.

It came to their attention, however, you were flirting with both of them. That didn't stop them from both asking you out at the same time. And here you are now, in a polyamorous relationship with two very attractive girls. You told yourself that the only thing you felt for them was simple attraction, not admitting to yourself the butterflies they gave you whenever they were near.

The three of you walked around in the hallways holding hands, many of the girls and guys casting envious glances at the girls you were hand in hand with. This happened to be your longest relationship, surprising every girl that you had played like a puppet on a string. You got into relationships for the fun of saying "No hard feelings, right?" And walking away. But here you are, still so attached to both the girls.

Pansy gave both you and Hermione a chaste kiss on the lips. "Well, my darlings, Draco wanted to talk to me right about now, but we'll hang out later, right?" You and Hermione both nodded, smiling. "Of course. Have a nice time!" When Pansy had walked off, Hermione's smile melted into a skeptical frown.

"Well then, L/N, we need to have a talk." You were shocked by the use of your last name. She had normally called you things like baby, cutie, lovely, and beautiful, but this was new. She looked a but annoyed with you. "What's going on, Mione?" 

She pulled you by your sleeve into the girls bathroom. When she let go of your sleeve, she gave you a look through narrowed eyes. "I don't know what you think you're up to but I need you to be completely honest with me. Why are you still with Pansy and me?" 

Your eyes widened. "What do you mean 'why'?" Hermione sighed at your idiocy. "Have you not dated others and left them crying just for the fun of it? Pansy and I have been expecting you to leave for the 2 months you've dated us. And yet here you are, still holding both our hands. What are you playing at?" 

Your face flushed red. You hadn't been expecting this. The question struck you like a right hook in the face. You stared at your feet, trying to figure yourself out. What the fuck are you feeling? Your heart pounded and you sighed to yourself. You always knew the answer, you just didn't admit it to yourself. But now the answer was right at the tip of your tongue as Hermione stared you down. 

Your voice cracked with nervousness as you spoke. "Because I guess I actually care about the two of you. I'll admit it was just a game to say at the beginning, but I got attached and ended up catching feelings... But if the two of you were expecting it, why didn't you just reject my advances?" 

Hermione shrugged. "We thought we'd play along and boost your ego. Though you are bloody sexy, I will admit. That itself must make you feel good about yourself, does it?" You hesitantly took a step closer to Hermione, just as Pansy peaked her head in. "Can I come back? Is it over? Do I have a reason to cry yet?" Hermione smiled. 

"No dear, no need to cry." She winked at you. "I'm pretty sure she is here to stay."  You blushed and looked at your feet. "Well, don't let it go to your head, alright. I'm still badass-" Pansy interjected. "Attractive, charming, sneaky, horny-" Hermione kissed your forehead. "Cutie." You groaned. "I am not cute-" Pansy smirked, tickling you. "Yeah, I think you are."

You giggled as Hermione kissed all over your face and Pansy still tickled you. You fought for your breath when it was over, letting yourself relax in their arms. Well shit, looks like your games are over.

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now