She fucked me in my sleep-

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Y/N as a succubus

Smut Warning

Hermione had slipped into the girls dormitory after a long day. No one but her was in their bed. They all were with their boyfriends and girlfriends. But not her. Her girlfriend was busy. Her girlfriend was Y/N L/N. And Hermione thought the world of her.

Hermione covered up, thinking of her girlfriend happily. She slipped into a deep sleep.

In her dream... (Change of your POV)

Hermione sat on her bed, a book in her hands. She hears something coming through her window. Her heart jolted with fear and she prepared for battle, but relaxed. It was just her girlfriend.

"Hey love.." she muttered quietly, oddly entranced by the way she was moving towards her. You kissed her roughly, pushing Hermione down against the bed.

"Hey baby." You said simply, gripping Hermione's waist. Hermione blushed a little as you kissed her neck, biting it suggestively. Hermione moaned softly, tilting her head.

You laughed softly, grabbing her ass. "I want you love." Hermione's face flushed. "Oh?" You began rubbing her thighs teasingly, leaving hickeys on her neck.

"Mm..." She moaned softly, wet as fuck. You looked at her lustfully, tugging her clothes off slowly. Hermione helped you, biting her lip when you unclasp her bra.

You kiss all over her breasts, fondling her nipples. Hermione squirms from underneath you, moaning helplessly. You smirk and touch all over her bare skin. You loved the way her body looks.

You moved down to her clit, rubbing circles on it. She moaned loudly as you whispered to her. "You're pussy is pulsing with must need me." You winked at her bc as she bit her lip. "P-please take me..."

You slipped your tongue into her, feeling her pulling your head closer, hands in your hair. She moaned loudly as you hit her g-spot with your tongue, your tongue deep inside her. Hermione whined with pleasure and grinded her hips onto your mouth.

You added your fingers, slamming into her g-spot roughly and continuously, making her scream your name. You loved the sound, and it was all the pleasure you needed to thrust your fingers faster. "F-fuck! I need to cum-"

You slow down, letting her ride out her orgasm. You smirked with satisfaction as Hermione released on your fingers and into your mouth.


And after that Hermione woke up, panting. She bit her lip, knowing that it was just a wet dream. Wait a fucking second, that was way too real. And I'm- her thoughts were interupted by her girlfriend standing next to the window, wiping excess cum off her mouth. Y/N smirked. "Round 2?"

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