The Catch

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  *Hermione goes home for Christmas break, and meets a strange new girl*

                 Hermione was walking on the street, Crookshanks being cared for by Harry back at Hogwarts, since he was sick with a cold. (Crookshanks, not Harry) She was nearing her old school as she did so. She lived a small distance away from it, so it didn't bother her. She did catch sight of someone unusual, on a black and red skateboard and a cigarrette in her mouth. It was a girl, in a leather jacket, old rock T-Shirt, skinny jeans that were cuffed, and checkered Vans. Hermione scanned the girl's face, her cheeks growing pink.

                The girl's facial features were pleasant to the eye. High cheekbones, cat-like e/c eyes, and soft, plump lips that were wrapped around the cigarrette. Hermione admired the girl, her short/long h/c hair flying in the wind. Hermione jolted awake from her daze when the girl let out a sharp exclaimation.

                  Out of instinct, Hermione dashed over, catching the girl before she could fall. The cigarette was in the girl's hand now, her eyes wide as she looked at Hermione. "T-Thanks..." the girl muttered. Surprisingly, the girl's breath didn't smell bad. Her breath smelled like vanilla. "No problem."

                    Hermione gingerly took the cigarette from the strange girl's hands, then threw it. "You shouldn't be smoking." Hermione chided, making the girl laugh. "I've never seen you around here. What's your name? I'm Y/N L/N." Hermione smiled. "I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger."

                    She gasped in astonishment. "Is your dad's name Wendell Granger?" Hermione nodded. Y/N laughed. "He's my dentist! And my neighbor!" Hermione looked at her beautiful smile. Perfect. Straight and white. (<-- Oh, so basically society's view on a perfect person) Then suddenly her eyes widened, and she cleared her throat awkwardly.

                "Uh...Hermione? My head is still on your lap. And your arms around my waist..." Hermione shrugged. "So?" Hermione untangled her arms with her waist and grabbed Y/N's board. "I think you broke it." Hermione spoke, her voice a deadpan. "Fuck..." There was a deep crack on the side of it that rached the middle of the board.

                 "Oi! Language!" Hermione laughed, making Y/N smile cutely. Y/N tried to get up, but immediately collapsed, hissing in pain. "What's wrong?" Y/N smirked. "Everything." Hermione shook her head. "Why can't you stand?" Y/N rubbed her ankle gently, wincing as she put a small bit of pressure on it.

              "I think I sprained my ankle." Hermione looked closer, feeling sick. "No. I see a bone trying to break through your skin.. You broke it." Y/N looked dismayed. "How the hell did I-" Y/N broke off with a squeal as Hermione carried her bridal-style, leaving the board.

              Hermione sped torwards her home, knocking frantically. Mrs. Granger opened the door. "Hello dear, how was-" Mrs. Granger broke off with the sight of the girl in her arms. "I need to help her. She broke her ankle skating. Her board broke." She added as Mrs. Granger gave her a confused look. Mrs. Granger finally recognized the girl.

             "You're our neighbor, and one of my husband's clients!" Y/N nodded as Hermione walked into her room, shut the door, and placed Y/N on her bed. "Now, I need to tell you something, Y/N." The sixth year sat next to Y/N. "I go to a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts." Y/N gave her a skeptical look. "Are you sure you didn't bump your head when you caught me?"

           "Y/N, I'm serious." (hehe, you mean Sirius, right? No? Okay. I'll go home.) Hermione pulled out her wand. "What the actual fuck is this fuckery?" Hermione chuckled. "I promise you, that the spell I can cast with this, will heal your ankle completely." Y/N looked uncertain, but she relaxed.

           "Fine. Do it." Hermione took a small breath and pointed her wand to Y/N's ankle. "Brackium Emendo!" There was some blue light, all a blur to Y/N, and when Y/N tried to stand up, she looked completely dumbfounded. "Hermione, you're a witch....You are actually a witch." Y/N grinned at Hermione, and Hermione felt her heart skip a beat.

            "Thank you." Y/N whispered, walking closer to Hermione. Hermione blushed. "N-no problem." Y/N smirked, leaning close to Hermione's face. "I'd like to repay you." Hermione licked her lips, keeping eye contact with Y/N. "How so?" Y/N pressed her lips against the bushy-haired girl's lips. Hermione noticed that her kisses tasted like buttercream, which drew her in for more.

          The two girl's suddenly jumped apart when Hermione's mother opened the door. "Hey girls, I-" Mrs. Granger broke off abruptly. "Mum! Don't you know how to knock?!" Hermione shouted, her cheeks red while Y/N laughed. Mrs. Granger smirked and looked Y/N in the eyes. "If you're dating my daughter, I'll make sure my husband gives you a dental discount."

           Hermione buried her face in her hands while Y/N laughed even harder. This was going to be the most memorable Christmas break.

A/N: Angry sex one-shot, or a fight with a cute, wholesome ending? (I will know how thirsty you bitches really are lmao)

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