Miss girl- (more smut)

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The next day, I spared flirty looks for Granger. Across the Great Hall, and especially during potions. Her reactions were adorable. Blush dusted her cheeks and she looked the other way.

I'm going to sit with her during dinner. They aren't going to stop me. I am good friends with the Gryffindors. They wouldn't mind me sitting with them. But friendly gestures were the last thing on my mind.

I had said something about roughing Hermione with a strap, so now, I intend to do it. I'll show her that I wasn't lying. So, I'll tease her. And once I have her horny, I'll ask her to come with me to the Room of Requirement. I smirked at my plan. And I knew it was a full-proof plan.


Dinner came around and I slipped into the empty chair next to Hermione. She let out a small squeak if surprise. "O-oh. Hey Malfoy." Harry looked up excitedly. "Malfoy?! Where?" I snorted. "Wrong Malfoy, Potter."

Harry smiled, shrugging. "Eh, works for me. You're cute too." Hermione's eyes flared up with jealousy, and she got a little closer to me. Cutie. I couldn't help but think that. And if she wants a relationship... As long as my father doesn't know...

I felt Hermione rest her hand on my arm. "I wouldn't say that. Draco is cuter to you, am I right?" Harry nodded. "True."

I leaned against the chair, casually slipping my hand down her thigh, slowly inching up her skirt. Hermione choked on her food, taking a drink of water to cover up her surprise.

"What are you doing?!" She whispered to me, eyes wide. I smiled, feigning innocence. "I'm not doing anything." I began tracing my finger up and down her thigh.

She shivered involuntarily. Unfortunately, Ron caught it. "Um, are you cold, Hermione?" Hermione shook her head, faking a small smile. "I'm fine." I smile wide. "Don't worry, I can keep her warm."

Ron caught motion under the table and noticed my hand on her thigh. "Really? Here? I know Hermione masturbates to your pictures but my Ace ass can't handle this. I'll just go sit with my boyfriend."

I smirked as Ron got up, slipping into the seat next to Blaise. I look back at her. "Hmm. What is it you do with my pictures?" I teased, raising my hand to her inner thigh.

She moaned softly, trembling a little. I leaned over, biting her ear softly. "You like this?" Hermione nodded, her head tilted back slightly while she bit her lip.

I smirked. I had her where I want her. "Why don't you come with me into the Room of Requirement?" She nodded quickly and I pulled her out of her seat. I held her hand all the way to the Room of Requirement.

I pulled her into the room and locked the door. I shoved her against the wall, leaning my face towards hers. She breathes heavily, her legs quaking a little. "Hey cutie..." You mutter quietly, pinning her wrists above her.

I noticed she couldn't take her eyes off me. Her eyes were filled with lust, but there was something else I couldn't quite place. I began kissing her jaw, holding her waist.

"Y/n-" she moaned softly, clinging onto me. I smirked, moving down to her neck. She shuddered, wrapping her legs around my waist. I held her up, her back still pressed against the wall and my hands supporting her by her thighs.

I began leaving hickeys on her neck, smirking against her skin as she breathes out my name. I carried her to the bed, pushing her down on it. She whimpered, looking up at me. "Hey princess... You ready for me?" I asked her, my finger holding her jaw up to meet my eyes.

She moaned a little and nodded. I grinned, beginning to take off her clothes as she desperately tugged at mine. To spare her from begging me for that, I slipped off my uniform. I watched as her eyes trailed down my body, biting her lip.

I hooked my fingers into her underwear, slipping the silk off her body. I straddled her, looking into her eyes as I unhooked her bra. She quivered and moaned as I massaged her breasts. I brought my mouth down, kissing them gently. "Y/n..." She moaned quietly,  trembling as I began fondling her nipples.

I decided to stop straddling her and get on my hands and knees above her. I began to rub my knee against her clit. She gasped, her hips bucking a bit. I spoke, my voice just above a whisper. "Can you get on your hands and knees for me?" Hermione nodded, doing as you told her.

I pulled out the strap from the nightstand drawer. Thank you, Room of Requirement. I thought, pulling it on and pressing the tip against her arse. I heard her gasp.

"Are you okay with this, kitten? I know you haven't tried this before but-" Hermione cut me off. "Do it." I nodded, slowly slipping into her while being as gentle as I could.

I heard her let out a few whines of pain, but it soon became intense pleasure. "F-fuck..." I took that as the sign to pick up the pace. Hermione's hands gripped the sheets until her knuckles turned white. I muttered, leaning down to your ear. "You're such a good girl..." I got rougher, Hermione's moans loud.

"Fuck! Y/n!" She moaned, and I could tell by the way her body reacted that she was about to reach her climax. "Cum for me Mione..." I said quietly, running my hands through her hair.

Once she came, I slowly slid the strap out of her. She panted, looking at you. "That was amazing." I smiled softly at her, my hand cupping her cheek. She was surprised by the affectionate gesture, but she leaned into my touch.

"You're so beautiful." I muttered, blushing softly. Hermione smiled, pulling me close. "You're more beautiful, love." Then she hesitantly kissed me. I could feel her relief when I kissed back. I ran my fingers though her hair as she hugged my waist tight.

I loved the butterflies she gave me. And honestly, as of right now, nothing ever felt more right.

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now