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                                 *Slytherin Y/N gets teased by Hermione during Potions*

This is a smut. Imma just give the warning now.

                             Snape stood in front of the class, snapping commands as students made their potions. But, as unlikely as it was, one particular Gryffindor student wasn't concentrating on her potion. She was sat next to her beautiful girlfriend, Y/N, for this project, and her mind wasn't on anything as innocent as potions. Hell, her mind was one of the dirtiest places in the wizarding world at the moment.

                                Hermione licked her lips as she watched Y/N boredly listen to what Severus said, and her hand acted on its own. Hermione's hand slid up and down Y/N's inner thigh, making the Slytherin tense. Hermione began to run a finger up and down Y/N's clothed core, and Y/N thanked silently Dumbledore that Snape couldn't see what vile act Hermione was commiting.

                             "S-stop." Y/N whispered, her cheeks flushed. "If I end up moaning I will never live it down." Hermione snickered and whispered into Y/N's ear. "But I'll bet you're wet right now. Don't worry, I'll make it better. All you have to do is be quiet." The classroom was already alive with chattering and laughter, so quiet moans would be very hard to hear. Especially if you're Snape, who would never be able to fathom the fact that two girls would fuck in his classroom.

                            Y/N reluctantly consented, feeling her thighs twitch in need as Hermione rubbed her hand against her clothed clit, making a quiet, low groan escape Y/N's mouth. Hermione slipped her hand in Y/N's panties and began to tease the outside of it carefully. Y/N muffled a loud moan with her hand, which clearly worked as no one had turned toward them.

                          Without a warning, Hermione plunged her fingers into Y/N, who gasped loudly, but was stifled as she subtly bit down on her hand. Hermione thrusted into the girl with a steady rhythm, and easily found the girl's g-spot. She only teased that spot though, lightly grazing it as she thrusted harder into Y/N, who was trembling and quivering, biting down harder on her hand.

                        "Mph!" the quiet sound rose from the Slytherin's mouth as Hermione began to slam her fingers into the girl's g-spot. Hermione felt Y/N's walls tighten around her fingers, so she leaned into Y/N's ear. "Don't cum yet." Y/N nodded and bit down harder onto her hand as she attempted to keep herself from releasing, though with each thrust it got even harder to do so.

                     Surprisingly, Snape still hadn't noticed. Y/N whimpered with all the effort she put into not releasing, and Hermione smiled at her and whispered to her again. "You can cum now." Hermione slowed her pace as she let Y/N ride out her climax, and the low groan Y/N had let out was stifled by her uniform sleeve. Hermione removed her hand from a panting Y/N's panties and slowly licked her fingers clean, making Y/N flush with embarrassment.

                     "Don't breathe a word about this to anyone." Y/N spoke softly. Hermione grabbed Y/N's hand and kissed it softly. "I won't tell a soul." Snape nor any of their classmates found out.

A/N: Ah yes, a wholesome ending to a dirty oneshot. 

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