That's Clingy

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*Slytherin Y/N deals with clingy/needy Hermione*

             Hermione was riding on your back as you paraded happily in the corridors, her nose buried in your neck. She hadn't left you side all week, which confused you since you knew she wasn't on her period, but you didn't mind. You loved to spend time with her.

            "My common room or yours?" Hermione mumbled a response into your neck. "Mine." You laughed. "You've said that word alot today. Me or the common room?" Hermione smiled against your neck. "Both." You grinned as you approached the entrance of the Gryffindor Tower.

              "Password." The Fat Lady said simply. You tapped Hermione's thigh. "Password Mione." Hermione lifted her head from your neck. "Draco is gay for Harry." The Fat Lady opened the entrance while you cracked up. "Oh, Merlin! Did you guys really-" Hermione cut you off. "Yes, we did."

            You made your way into the common room, which had only a few teenagers in there. Hermione jumped down from your back then pushed you into a chair. She sat on your lap, front facing you, and her legs wrapped around you waist. 

           She kissed you deeply, teeth grazing your bottom lip so that it drove you crazy. You both passionately made out, before Ron interrupted. "Hermione." You both ignored him, your cold hands sliding up Hermione's shirt so that you gripped her waist, pulling her even closer. "Hermione!"

           Hermione slid her tongue into your mouth, continuing to refuse his existance.  "HERMIONE!!" Hermione still didn't respond, cupping your cheeks. Ron huffed and walked off, making Hermione grin against your lips. She slowly broke away from you, resting her forehead against yours. "Thank Dumbledore he's gone." You chuckled. "You're such a filthy bitch!" Hermione faked her offense. "How dare you!"

          You shrugged. "Well, you're my bitch." Hermione blushed bright pink. "S-shut up!" (anybody else hear: B-Baka!) She hugged you tight, foreheads still pressed together. You chuckled again. "That's clingy!"

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