Modern Day Romeo and Juliet

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You and Hermione. Hermione and you. Everything felt right. You went on little quiet dates at the park, you both made each other flower crowns, and you cuddled on your house's rooftop as the sun went down. Everything was perfect. 

You knew Hermione's family was homophobic, so you both kept the romantic aspects to yourself. As far as they knew, you were both best friends. Your cute little dates were just thought of as the two of you hanging out. Although it was scary, you both loved each other too much to let the other go. As Hermione was all about the rules, this was an absolute shocker.

However, paradise didn't last long for the two of you. Things got... heated one night when her parents let you sleep over. As it was a 'heat of the moment' type thing, you idiots forgot to lock the damned door. Her father chased you out with his handgun, yelling slurs at you on your way out.

So, a few weeks later, you did what any lovesick teenager would do. You plotted a plan to run away with her. The only part of the plan that you didn't know would work is Hermione. Hermione was so strongly attached to the rules, did you really know if she would risk it all to run away with you? You didn't receive any texts from your lover in that two weeks of time. It worried you, but you figured it was to be expected.

So, at midnight on a Saturday, you drove into Hermione's neighborhood, parking a short running distance from her house. You shut off your care, grabbed the small stepladder (3-step platform) you brought from your home, shut the car door as quietly as you could, and dashed to her window. Her room, unfortunately, was on the 2nd floor. You threw pebbles at her window, hoping she'd hear you.

Sure enough, you saw her curtains flying open. Her face was one of shock. She actually looked pretty excited.  She opened her window, speaking quietly to you. "Why are you here?" You held up the ladder. "Busting you out. Come on Mione. Please, run away with me?" Hermione gave me a long look. "Where would we even go, love?"

On second thought, you didn't think this through. "I mean, my parents/guardian(s) like you. Surely they'd understand if I brought you there?" Hermione looked at me like I was stupid. "Okay, okay, er.... I have an aunt that lives just outside of town! We could still drive to school!" Hermione looked deep in thought. I was antsy while waiting for her reply.

She took a deep breath and nodded. You unfolded the stepladder and placed it next to the wall. You climbed to the top step and held your arms out. It was a small drop, considering your height added to the stepladder's. She fell right into your arms, with little to no impact. You put her down and got of it yourself, flattening it.

You gave each other a quick kiss, holding hands as you ran to your car. You both got in the car quickly, you aggressively shoving the ladder into the back of your car. You took off, only slowing so you could stop for a red light. At that first red light, Hermione caressed your cheek. "I love you, darling." You gave her a gentle and slow kiss, pulling back right before the light changed.

"I love you too." 



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