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*Ravenclaw Y/N sleeps with Hermione and has a nightmare*

                 Hermione got into bed, slipping under the covers next to you in a hoodie and shorts. You were wearing a tank top from Hermione's wardrobe as well as a pair of her shorts. Hermione wrapped her arms around your waist and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips. "Good night love." You smiled. "G'night." You relaxed in her arms and soon fell into an uneasy, deep sleep.

                    Hermione woke up to the sound of you whimpering. "N-no...." Hermione looked at your distressed face, lightly coated in a cold sweat as you squirmed. Hermione shook you a bit, trying to wake you. "Love, wake up." 

                You gasped as your eyes fluttered open, and immediately you clung onto Hermione. "Baby, what's wrong?" You mumbled against her neck. "I had a bad dream." Hermione hugged you tighter, the warm of her hands on your skin comforting you. Hermione sat up and pulled you onto her lap. You snuggled into her as she kissed your head.

                   You ran your nose along her jaw, making her chuckle. "Do you want me to read to you?" You smiled at her through the dark. "Please?" Hermione pulled out her wand. "Lumos." A white light glowed at the tip of Hermione's wan as she pulled out a book, you still in her lap. "Is this okay?" You nodded, not really caring about the book. You just wanted to hear her voice. It made you feel safe. 

                   Hermione began to read to you, her soft voice filling the air. You felt yourself drifting off, heart beat steady and breathing slow. You fell asleep in he arms to her voice, right there on her lap. And when you slept, all you dreamed about was Hermione. Best. Dream. Ever.

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