Whole Again

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Caitlin's attention kept drifting off, she wasn't able to focus on her work or her studies because of a certain man in her life. She tried her best to ignore him for now so she could do her work but it never worked, he was in her mind 24/7.

"Miss Snow, i do hope your paying attention." Her professor called out as Caitlin quickly snapped back to reality.

"Y-Yes sir." Caitlin quickly said

"Alright, everyone don't forget to review the chapters, especially you Caitlin, that'll be all." The professor finished as he closed his laptop and left the lecturing room. 

Caitlin looked at her watch and felt a little disappointed knowing that Barry was still at work and because she was just a regular person she couldn't just wonder straight into the FBI building. As she was walking towards the bus stop she saw a gathering of people and heard whispers among them.

"He's so hot." Caitlin heard one girl say

"I bet he has a girlfriend."

"He looks so cool."

She had all these gushing over someone and curiousity got the better of her and once she made her way through thr crowds she nearly dropped her stuff.

"Sorry for now calling i didn't want to interupt your classes." Barry smiled waving slightly as Caitlin's day brighten up. Caitlin smiled and walked up next to him as they began walking together. Barry suddenly stopped and turned to face the girls staring at him

"Yes i do have a girlfriend." He said with a bright smile and then resumed walking.

Caitlin redden with embarrasment as Barry let out a small chuckle and notice that Caitlin was carrying her bag very close to her chest.

"Sorry if i embarrased you." Barry said apologetically

"No, no, it's fine, i'm just happy that you're back in my life." She smiled warmly

"Same here." He said returning her smile with his own.

They walked down the street side by side in a blissful silence not needing any words just each other. Until Caitlin spoke up.

"I really need a job." She sighed which grabbed Barry's attention, "I don't like living off you, i hate walking into your house and eating your food and sleeping under your roof when i have nothing to offer." She said disheartenly

"It's fine, really." Barry said reassuringly

"Barry, be straight with me, if someone was actually annoying you would you tell them that they were annoying you?" Caitlin questioned

"Probably not, why?" He responded

"Exactly, you're too nice, you never tell people when they are bothering you." Caitlin said resting her chin on the bag she was holding to her chest

"Cait, i promise you're not bothering me, although......" Barry was about to say something but immediately cut himself off. He felt Caitlin's sharp glare which was bascially screaming 'finish your sentece, now'

".....You having a job wouldn't be so bad." He finished as Caitlin smiled

"Was that so hard?" She asked with a laugh 

"Yeah..." Barry sighed mentally exhausted, "One of Natalia's friend's works at a bakery not too far from here, i could give her a call and ask her to put in a good word for you." Barry suggested as Caitlin smiled widely and kissed his cheek as a thank you. But suddenly it struck her.

"Barry....why do you have her number saved on your phone?" Caitlin asked as Barry immediately felt sweat forming on his forehead. He tried to play it off and started to look around while whistling a pleasent tune.

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