Losing Faith, Gaining Hope

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He held a newspaper above his head to shelter himself from the rain as he stepped out of the cab and ran into the apartment building. He walked into his apartment and closed the door behind him and chucked his keys into a bowl. 

He sighed and crossed another day of his calender, which was hanging above a portrait of the people he had left behind.

"Two months." Barry sighed looking at his calender. He could feel his happiness slipping away from him, trying to hold onto something, anything.

"I know it's hard Barr." Natalia said

"Nat i've been away from my family for two months and we have no new leads on the Colasanti's." He sighed with a frustrated tone.

"You're family are strong people, they'll wait for you." Natalia said trying to cheer him up.

"They shouldn't have to wait for me." He said running his hands through his hair.

At that moment Natalia's phone went off. She picked it up and nodded and few times before ending the call.

"It's Watson, says he wants to de-brief us on the new situation." Natalia said. He nodded and they both left their apartment.


"Coming!!" Caitlin called out running to the till with a white cloth tided in her hair, "The regular i assume?" She asked as the old woman nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Coming right up." She smiled. Helen was a regular at the bakery that Caitlin worked at and they were good friends.

"How are the kids?" Helen asked reaching in her purse and paying for her food.

"They're....doing the best they can." Caitlin said with a weak smile.

"I feel sorry for them. It's not everyday that your father runs away from the family." Helen said. Caitlin gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself.

"He'll come back, i know he will." Caitlin said putting some pastries into a paper bag.

"That's what i said as well." Helen said.

"No he's different, Barry loves his children more than himself he would never abandon them.....ever." Caitlin said weakly. 

"I hope you're right dear, you deserve a good man." Helen said before leaving. As she left she heard the bell ring again meaning someone hand came in and heard two thuds on the tables nearby. 

"Was it busy today?" Kara asked as her and Luke sat at the table

"Not really, how was school?" Caitlin asked giving them some water.

"Same as usual." Luke sighed pulling his book out.

A month after he left Caitlin recievd a noticed that the FBI would cover Luke and Kara's school fees due to Barry being away. Initially she was against for the safety of them both but remembered that Barry wanted his kids to live a good life.

"How are you two doing?" Caitlin asked taking a seat with them.

"I mean.....we're stressed, we've been getting a lot of homewo-" Kara started but Caitlin knew she was dodging te question.

"I mean with Barry being gone, i know it's hard Kara, but you can't keep acting like you're fine when you're not." Caitlin said putting her hand on her shoulder. Kara bit her lip trying to not to let anything out until a single tear slipped out of her eye.

"It's been two months Caitlin, two. We haven't recieved any letters or anything.......he could be dead for all we know." She said wiping her eyes

"Stop......Stop thinking like that." Luke said standing up and slamming his hands on the table, "Why do you have no faith in him.....he will come back, he made a promise to us." He said which suprised Caitlin since Luke is a reserved type of person.

"How do you know!?" Kara yelled getting in her brother's face.

"You of all people........i would assume you would trust him the most." Luke scoffed

"Alright that's enough." Caitlin said putting her hands on both their shoulders, "What made you lose faith in him Kara?" She asked softly

"He....He promised he would always be with us, i need him Cait.....we need him." Kara said wiping her eyes as Caitlin bought her into a hug.

"I miss him too....all the time." Caitlin whispered as Kara sliently cried into her shoulder.


Once her tears had dried up her and her brother were finishing off their homework while Caitlin closed the bakery.

"Hey Cait, how did you and Barry meet?" Luke asked curiously

"That's a very long story." Caitlin chuckled

"We have time." Luke smiled.

"Well where do i start?" Caitlin sighed wiping down a nearby table.

"From the beginning." Kara said with her curiousity also taking her over.

"He was in witness protection with his sister. He would often come into my family's bakery and when i saw him i knew that he was special and as i got to know him i fell in love. Then they moved away and it took me some time but i finally found him again and then we met you two." Caitlin said as Kara smiled warmly.

"Now c'mon i finished closing up we can go home now." Caitlin said as they nodded and packed their things away.

Once they came home Kara and Luke threw their bags onto the floor and kickd their shoes off.

"I'll start dinne-" Luke said before seeing an envelop on their counter. He flipped it over and it read.

'Burn after you finish reading.'

He opened the letter and saw the familiar hand writing of Barry.

"Cait!!" He called out. She and Kara came running over and saw the note in his hands and a smiled grew on their faces.

'Dear Kara, Luke and Cait,

I know i haven't reached out in a while and that's my fault, i'm sorry. I hope you guys are doing well, Watson told me that Kara and Luke are at school and i hope you two are studying hard and having fun. What you're about to read is going to be hard, but i promise i'll come home. Watson believes he's found a hideout of the Colasanti's and we've set a sting operation up. Me and Natalia are part of the operation and depending on the outcome we might be able to come home. Until then stay safe and look out for eachother, i love you guys

- Barry'

They each smiled at eachother and finally in two months Kara had hope again. Caitlin read the note one more time before taking it to the stove and setting it on fire.

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