Normal Family

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Luke yawned and sat up on his bed looking around the unfamiliar room only to realise that he's not where he used to be. He can actually walk around the house with his guard down. He has someone who can protect him and his sister, he has someone who he can rely on.

He walked into the kitchen to see Barry washing dishes while Caitlin ate a stack a pancakes.

"Your breakfast is on the table go wake up your sister otherwise it'll get cold. Also i need to head into work earlier and Cait has class soon. There's some money on the counter you can use it however you want i don't want you to stay cooped up all day." Barry said as Luke yawned again and nodded thankfully.

"Barry? What's it like working in the FBI?" Luke asked curiously sitting at the table

"Hmm, i would say.......rewarding." He smiled

"Why?" Luke responded

"Because i wouldn't of met you or Kara or Cait if i wasn't in the FBI." He said happily

"You guys would of met anyway." Luke laughed

"What makes you say that?" Caitlin asked

"Because you two are so grossly in love." He said standing up, "Imma go wake up Kara." He said as Caitlin and Barry let out a small laugh.

"He's pretty smart for a fifteen year old." Caitlin said putting her plate in the sink and wrapping her arms around Barry's waist and leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You think we would of met without me being in the FBI?" Barry chuckled kissing the top of her head

"Yes, yes i we would of." Caitlin smiled blissfully, "Because i love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered bringing her lips up into a kiss.

"Ewwwww." Kara exaggerated covering her eyes as she walked into the kitchen

"Morning to you too Kara." Barry said as she hugged both him and Caitlin

"Morning Barry, morning Caitlin." She smiled as her and her brother sat at the table with their breakfast in front of them.

"Make sure to wash up after yourselves and you guys better be home before me and Cait." Barry said putting his FBI windbreaker on.

"Barr it's hot outside why are you earing a windbreaker?" Caitlin giggled

"Can't i showoff a bit?" He asked smiling. As Caitlin laughed and shook her head closing the door behind them as they left the apartment.

"What do you wanna do today?" Luke asked as Kara shrugged her shoulders

"I dunno, what can we do, it's too hot outside, i just wanna be in the ac right now." She smiled resting her head on the cold surface of the table. Luke got up and put his plate and Kara's plate in the sink.

"This all seems like a dream." Kara sighed resting her head in her hands

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean that this all seems to good to be true. Like we're going to wake up to that nightmare of a life we used to live." She said rubbing her arms

"We're safe now Kara, you just have to trust Barry." He smiled

"I trust him.....a lot, he's such a good da- i mean person.......he's a good person." Kara said quickly as she flopped onto the couch.

"Reckon it'll be weird if we call him dad?" Luke asked sitting next to his sister.

"Yeah we should wait a few weeks." Kara said flicking through Netflix, "And we can call Cait mom." She added excitedly

"Don't they have to be married?" Luke asked

"Please, they look like they've been married for fifty years." Kara laughed

After hours upon hours of binging Neflix shows and doing nothing but stay inside all day the front door opened up and Caitlin sighed and dropped her bag onto the table

"Did you guys stay home all day?" Caitlin asked getting a glass of water as Kara and Luke nodded. Kara had her feet hanging over the back of the couch and her head hanging upside down.

"You shouldn't be sitting like that." Caitlin laughed

"Cait? How did you and Barry meet?" Kara asked excitedly as she rolled onto her side to face her

"It's a pretty long story." 

"We have time." Luke smiled as Kara gave him a confused look, "What? I wanna hear as well." he defended

"We met in my homtown, Spring Valley when he was in witness protection and every week he would come into my family's bakery for his sister and i guess.....we kinda hit it off." Caitlin explained as Kara stared at her with a smile

"How did you know you loved him?" Kara asked

"That's an embarrasing question." Caitlin sighed

"Answer it please." Kara begged

"Don't look so cute." Caitlin said overing her eyes, "I knew i loved him when i looked forward to seeing him again, when whenever he was near me my heart would speed up, you know that type of stuff." Caitlin said shyly 

"It's sounds like it's straight out of a fairy tail." Luke said

"I didn't even think that type of love exists." Kara said shrugging her shoulders

"What type of love?"

"You know, the type of love that makes you and Barry have." Kara said quietly

"It does, because he loves you both, it may seem strange and weird but he has very strong parental instincts so he cares deeply about you two even though he became your foster dad yesterday." Caitlin explained

"Is it because what happened to him when he was a kid?" Luke asked as Caitlin nodded

"Yeah, he promised that he would save anyone who needed him." She smiled softly

"Well he saved us when we needed him." Kara smiled brightly

"I'm home." Barry said unlocking the door as Kara ran and hugged him

"Welcome home." She said into his chest 

"Where was my hug?" Caitlin whined 

"Sorry." Kara smiled sheepishly as Caitlin walked over and gave Barry a kiss

"Should we get started on dinner?" She asked

"Sure." He smiled

A normal family brought together by not normal means.

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