Special Agents Allen

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Barry and Natalia were coming home late from school one day and were expecting to be greeted by their loving parents but instead they were greeted with police tape and red and blue lights. Barry was old enough to know what this meant and tried to usher his sister away but she wanted to see her mom and dad so she ran under the police tape without any noticing as Barry chased after her. She ran up the stairs onto the porch and saw a blue tarp. She slowly lifted it up and at that moment Barry caught up to her.

"Mommy.....daddy?" Natalia asked in shock, "Barry, why aren't mommy and daddy moving?" She asked tearily as Barry brought her into a hug

"I'm so sorry Nat." Barry cried as Natalia looked up at him confused

"Hey!!" One of the detectives called out to them as Barry held onto his sister and refused to let her turn around.

"Why won't you let me see mommy and daddy?" Natalia asked as she began to sob in Barry's shirt while the detecive ran over to them

"What are you doing here?" The man asked

"We live here......and t-those are our parents." Barry whispered sadly as the man's face soften and he knelt next to them

"I'm sorry for your loss, my name is Detective Holt, but you can call me Raymond." He said as Barry and Natalia nodded, "What are your names?" He asked warmly

"M-my name is Barry and this is my younger sister Natalia." Barry choked up 

"Those are nice names, why don't we get some ice-cream?" Raymond said as Natalia clutched her brother's sleeve and nodded

"Thank you Mister." Natalia said whimpering slightly as he led them down the stairs and pass the police tape.

"How old are you two?" Raymond asked 

"I'm eleven and Natalia is nine." Barry said as Natalia held onto his sleeve tightly

"Do you know anyone who would want to hurt your mother and father?" Raymond asked as both Barry and Natalia shrugged their shoulders

"I'm sorry, we don't know." Barry said sadly as Raymond out his hand on his shoulder

"Don't apologise, you two have been through something terrible that i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and i promise i will do anything i can to find you two a loving family." Raymond said warmly as Natalia and Barry nodded, "I'll let you twp pick any flavour of ice-cream you want." He smiled as Natalia smiled a little. While Natalia and Barry were eating their ice-creams Raymond got a call saying that he needs to bring the children to the precinct to be questioned. Which disgusted him, how could he in his right mind bring two innocent children who just saw their parents lifeless bodies to be questioned like criminals.

"Mister Holt?" Barry asked as Holt turned around to look at him.

"Can i be like you when i'm older?" Barry asked as Holt smiled and knelt down to his level

"Of course."


Barry and Natalia had officially joined the FBI and got their badges and guns, but what excited Natalia the most was the windbreaker that had FBI written on the back in big bold yellow letters. Over the course of their lives Barry and Natalia bounced around the foster care system, and they saw it all, from an abusive family to a caring family and this experience combined with the fact that no one caught their parents murderer is what led Barry and Natalia to join the FBI and over the course of the years they lost contact with Raymond even though the three developed a special bond.

"Special Agent Allen?" A man said sticking his hand out as both Barry and Natalia waved, "Okay, to make this less confusing i'll call Natalia, Mini Allen and Barry will just be Allen." The man chuckled causing Natalia to pouted slightly

"I may be short but i still graduated top of my class in the academy in everything." Natalia pouted

"Don't be like that Nat." Barry chuckled, "Sorry i didn't catch your name." Barry asked as the man smiled

"Eobard......Thawne." He with a smile on his face

"Nice to meet you Eobard, i'm looking forward to working with you." Natalia said with a chiper smile on her face

"Me too Mini Allen." Eobard joked as Natalia scrunched her face

"Barr, we even get our own desks!!" Natalia said loudly as everyone in the office looked at her, "Sorry....." She said sheepishly hiding behind her brother. Everyone in the office chuckled at her before going back to work.

Over the course of the next few months Barry and Natalia got into a competition about who could get more felony arrests by the end of the year. Most people considered it childish but this bet sky rocketed both of their arrest records and motivated them to work harder. Despite all of their effort they could never solve their mother's murder, they each worked tirelessly, day and nights but not even a new lead to go on, and eventually it got labelled as a cold case. Which pissed off Natalia because she knew that one day her or her brother would solve it for sure.

"This case is so hard." Natalia whined leaning her head on her desk

"Why did you take it then?" Barry chuckled

"I don't know." She pouted resting her chin in her hand

"Lemme see." Barry said as Natalia chucked him the case file

"A woman......who has a missing torso." Barry said disgusted slightly and closing the file, "Why is that photo so clear." He said throwing the case file back.

"Lemme see your case." Natalia asked sticking out her hand as Barry gave her his case file

"A triple homicide?" She asked flipping through the file but one thing caught her eye on one of the photos, "Wait do you recognise this symbol?" She asked showing him a photo of one of the rings one of the victims was wearing.

"Wait that woman with the missing torso had the same ring." Barry pointed out as she smiled

"We might have a serial killer on our hands." Natalia said excitedly earning a few weird looks

"It's the M.O of the hitman of The Colasanti Crime Family." Eobard said plopping a fat case file on Barry's desk, "We've been building a case on them for years, and no one has even successfully gone undercover in their family before, they're like a fortress." He sighed 

"Until now." Barry smiled 

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