Never Let Go

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A few weeks later and the doctors finally discharged Natalia from the hospital but they kept Barry in a sling and much against her whishes Natalia had to use a wheelchair just incase the stitches split.

"Welcome home Nat." Barry chuckled wheeling her into the house as she pouted

"Can i get up now?" She asked

"No, they doctor said at least two weeks in the wheelchair." He said making her huff, "Nat, this is serious." Barry said kneeling in front of her hand holding her hands

"I know, i know, but Barr we're FBI agents you can't expect me to sit here while we're hunted like animals we have to do something." She urged

"I already called Bob and Eobard i told them that we were shot at and their sending a team over to investigate, and we have to re-locate." He said sadly as she rubbed his hands in support

"Does Caitlin know?" She asked as Barry sadly shook his head, "Tell her, i'll be fine for a few hours by myself." She said patting his head

"If you think anyone is watching you or you get a bad feeling no matter how minor, call me. My gun is under the counter you'll find it." Barry said standing up and kissing her forehead. He grabbed his coat and left the house and left Natalia alone to her thoughts. She wheeled over to Barry's office to continue the look for the Colasantis.

Barry walked over to the bakery that Caitlin worked at, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to tell her that they would be leaving, but Caitlin deserves to know and if Natalia found out that Barry left without telling her she would lose it. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open to the bakery and as soon as the twinkle rung he felt someone run and wrap their arms around him and bury their face into his chest.

"Hi." Caitlin whispered smiling. Barry smiled and kissed her forehead while dreading the upcoming conversation, "Why are you here?, Not that i'm complaining." She asked

"Cait, i have something to tell you, i know your not going to like it." He breathed out

"Your moving aren't you?" Caitlin asked as Barry looked up at her confused, "I've seen enough cop shows to know." She giggled

"Why aren't you sad, or angry?" Barry asked

"Because i know you'll come back to me." She said softly

"I will i promise. No matter where i am, i promise i'll come back to you." Barry whispered taking her by the waist and giving her a passionate kiss. Barry felt her tears streaming down her cheeks and wiped them away.

"And i'll wait." Caitlin whispered as Barry nodded and against his will he left the store letting the bell twinkle. Caitlin broke down into tears on the floor as her co-worked came to her side.

Barry arrived home and found Natalia asleep at his desk with their case file on it. Barry wheeled her to her room and put her to bed. As he was leaving her room he got a call.

"Hey Bob, we're going now?" Barry asked sadly

"That's why i'm calling you, Watson thinks we can use the fact that the Colasantis are in Spring Valley to set up a sting......and he wants to use you and Natalia as bait." Bob said as Barry stomach dropped. The Colasantis have a small army acking them, if they were to have a gun fight witht eh FBI in such a small town there could be countless casulities.

"Bob, do not let Watson do it, there are civilians here. If we were to engage in a fire fight with them, this whole town would be wiped out." Barry urged

"I'll see what i can do, tell Natalia i said hi."  Bob said before hanging up. 

"Well on the plus side at least we get to stay." Natalia said sheepishly as Barry jumped back a bit

"Okay, one how did you sneak up on me and two you shouldn't be standing." Barry said helping her back to bed as she flopped onto the bed, "What do you think we should do?" He asked she she shrugged her shoulders

"I agree with you, but i see where Watson is coming from. This could be our only opportunity to take down one of the most dangerous familes in the world." Natalia said rubbing his back

"But at what cost?" He asked standing up and leaving her room as she sighed and laid back down. He walked back over to the bakery but as he was walking he needed advice from a wise man. He brought his phone out and dialed the wisest man he knew.

"Ray?" He asked 

"Hello Barry, i'm glad you called me." Holt smiled

"I need some advice." Barry sighed

"If this is about girls, i think you should talk to your sister." Holt said causing Barry to start laughing

"No, no, no, i read your file when i got back to Washington, and it said you were in witness protection before right?" He asked, "Well if you were given th choice to lure the person hunting you to a town full of innocent people would you do it? Even if it meant that you caught and arrested them." Barry sighed

"That's exactly what i did, Barry doing what is necessary isn't always easy, in life there are always risks, you just have to be willing to take them. Are you?" Holt asked 

"I....i don't know." Barry breathed out

"And that's okay, where theres a high risk, theres a high reward, so do the ends justify the means, can you arrest the Colasnatis whilst standing on the shoulders of innocent civilans?" He asked again as Barry stopped in his tracks

"I want to go home, i want to arrest the Colasantis, but these people have lives, have familes, who would i be if i were to risk all that because i was being selfish?" Barry sighed sadly

"That's for you to figure out." Holt smiled over the phone

"Thank you Ray, i'm techinally not even allowed to call you, so this talk never happened." Barry said

"Agreed." Holt said hanging up the phone as Barry entered the bakery again. This time he couldn't see Caitlin

"Excuse me, do you know where Caitlin Snow is?" He asked politely as the woman behind the counter scowled at him

"You're the person who broke up with her?" The woman said in a mean and sassy tone.

"No-well yes's complicated." Barry sighed

"Well i'm her cousin, Emma, and you hurt my cousin, when i came to her side she was crying her eyes out." Emma said causing Barry's heart to shatter, he knew it would affect Caitlin he just didn't kow how much.

"I need to see her." Barry said as Emma looked him dead in the eyes

"Why?" She asked

"I want to tell her that i'm not leaving and that i'm staying." Barry said convincin Emma enough

"Fine, you can see here, but if you hurt her one more time i swear to god i'll make you wish that you had left." Emma threatened as Barry nodded and left the store in a hurry and ran to Caitlin's apartment. He ran up the stairs of the building until he got to her door. He was about to knock bu he heard her quietly sobbing which broke his heart even more.

"Caitlin, it's me." Barry spoke softly as he knocked on her door, "Turns out i'm staying." He chuckled resting his head on the door as it swung open and Caitlin ran into his arms and cried into his chest, "It's okay, i'm here." He whispered, he figured it would be easier to tell her the details later, for right now, he just wanted to hold her.

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