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Barry and Natalia had returned to Washigton from New York with the file on Cortez and they were more determined to take down the Colasanti Family now more than ever and Natalia had a personal axe to grind with them.

"This is the file we got from the NYPD it has things that we already knew but one address in it that i don't recognise and i've worked this case for nearly six months now, i'd like a strike team to back me and Natalia up when we raid this address." Barry said to his boss as he reviewed Barry's file

"I'm impressed. No one has ever gotten this close to to the Colasanti's before. I will personally look over the operation." Agent Watson said closing the file as Barry did a mental dance 

"Thank you sir, we won't let you down." Barry smiled. He left Watson's office and took his seat in the briefing room next to his sister.

"Well, what did he say?" She asked impatiently

"Listen up, Allen and Mini Allen found a new lead on Cortez, we've got an address this could be our only lead to the Colasanti's so we'll be leading in two strike teams. Allen will be the leader of strike team Alpha and Mini Allen will be leader of strike team Beta. Any objections?" Watson asked as Natalia nearly spat her coffee out

"With all due respect sir, i don't think i'm fully qualified to lead a strike team, especially in an op this important." Natalia said nervously and expecting people to agree with her, but the oppostie in fact.

"Raise your hand if you think Natalia shouldn't lead strike team beta." Watson said as Natalia raised her hand, but no one else did, "See?" He said smiling

"W-why?" She questioned

"Because Nat, you are the youngest person in FBI history to get over 10 felony arrests in their first month here." Barry smiled proudly.

"Well yeah, but you got 15 arrests in your first month." She objected

"Natalia, you're more than qualified to lead this team and the only person who doubts that is you. Dismissed." Watson said grabbing his files and heading back into his office as every left the briefing room

"Do you really think i can do this?" Natalia asked her brother as he smiled

"Of course." He said rubbing her head

"But i screwed up last time and Cortez got away, what if the same happens again?" She asked 

"That won't happen because i have faith in you, actually everyone in this building has faith in you. The only person who doesn't is.....you." Barry said walking away leaving Natalia to her thoughts

A few hours later everyone was geared up in their bulletproof vests and their guns in hand and they were all outside of the warehouse.

"We'll cover the exit." Barry whispered to his sister as she nodded, "Strike team Alpha on me." Barry ordered as six men followed him around the side of the building.

"What do we do?" Someone asked as Natalia internally panicked

"Umm, uhhhh." She stuttered as she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, "We do what we do best." She smiled with her newly gained confidence. Over her walkie talkie she heard Watson

"Breach." He said as an explosion occurred on the opposite side of the building.

"Patterson you're on breach." Natalia ordered as he nodded and kicked the door down, "Go, go, go." She said as she and her team went in. People were already waiting for them and shooting at them

"How did they know we were coming?" Natalia asked as she heard Watson sigh over the radio

"All units retreat and regroup." He ordered

"Watson, i can see Cortez, we can get him." Barry said

"Retreat Allen, that's an order." Watson said sternly as Barry reluctantly sighed and retreated with his team

"Dammit." Natalia grunted as she and her team left as well. They made it back to their van but the shooters were still following.

"Get in the van!!!" Barry yelled ducking behind cover and shooting one of them in the chest. He ran into the van as it took off. On the way back Barry had his head in his hands

"We were so close." Barry sighed

"I know Barr, i'm sorry." Natalia said sadly. The arrived back at the FBI HQ when something clicked in Barry's head

"Nat, i think there's a mole in the FBI." He whispered as they entered the building.

"What makes you think that?" She asked

"How else would the Colasanti family know about our raid, and it does make sense since the Colasanti family is one of the major crime families." Barry said as she nodded slightly

"Any ideas on who it could be?" Natalia asked

"Not yet, it could be anyone, that's why i'm not telling Watson, he could be the mole. The only person i trust here now is you." Barry finished 

"Well you can't avoid everyone here, it'll draw suspicion." Natalia whispered

"I know, that's why i'm bringing my case file home.

"Barr, that's against regulation." Natalis scolded

"So is working with a notorious crime family." He replied as his phone started to ring, "Hello?" He asked

"I told you to stop looking for us, but you couldn't stay away, could you?" A disguised voice said 

"I'm taking you down." Barry whispered into the phone

"I'm going to hunt you down and then your sister." The voice darkly chuckled

"If you touch her i swear to god." Barry said in a bitter tone.

"What are you going to do?" The voice taunted, "Until next time Barry." The voice said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Natalia asked as Barry ran his hand through his hair.

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