Too Little, Too Late

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The investigation into the death of Greg was conducted and Barry and Natalia were released as not guilty having kill Greg in self defence. This good news was shadowed by the fact that Caitlin was ghosting Barry and Natalia. She stopped showing up to work, she stopped answering their calls and she wouldn't even open the door when they knocked. On top of that after hearing the news that Barry and Natalia were in danger and they were nearly killed on multiple occassions Agent Watson ordered for Natalia and Barry to return back to Washington for proper protection and so they could continue their investigation, which was a risk they were willing to take.

Barry figured Caitlin hated him and wanted him to move away, i mean he would to if he saw the person he loved kill someone. Regardless he wished it had turned out differently.

"This is Caitlin Snow, leave a message after the beep."

"Hey Cait.....Caitlin, i know you probably hate me but i just wanted to tell you that me and Nat are moving back to Washington, i'm sorry. We're leaving around eight so.......i don't even know why i'm telling you this, you probably don't even care. I wish i could of heard your voice one more time before we left. Anyway goodbye." Barry said softly as he put his phone on the table and put his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" Natalia asked patting his back

"I'm not sure." Barry said rubbing his face, "Is moving for the best?" He asked

"I can't answer that Barr, i personally think that this move is a waste of time and we are probably better off somewhere other than Washington, but i know you are better off here.....with Caitlin." Natalia said warmly, "You love her don't you?" She asked

"I do, but how can i tell her when she won't even look me in the eyes." He said sadly

"I wish i had all the answers, but the simple truth is that in time she'll forgive you and as soon as she looks you in the eyes, you tell her how much you love her." Natalia smiled

"Thanks Nat." Barry chuckled as she leaned her head on his shoulder

"No problem, you helped me when i was going through relationship problems." She said 

"We're supposed to be leaving anyway hour." Barry said as she nodded

"Maybe you should try talking to Caitlin?" She suggested

"I've been doing that for the past few days and she hasn't said anything back." He sighed

"Remember what Ray said to you when you fell off your bike?" Natalia asked as he shook his head, "He said there is not shame in falling down, the true shame is not standing back up." She smiled

"That does sound like something he would say." Barry said

"You can't give up Barry." Natalia urged

"What else am i supposed to do!?" Barry yelled, "She doesn't want to talk to me, i have to accept that and move on." He said sadly, "I've tried everything and it's my fault and i can't get her back." He said as Natalia held her head down in sadness, "I'm sorry for yelling, you're just trying to help me." Barry said rubbing her shoulder.

"I wish there was something else i could do." Natalia whispered sadly

"You've done everything already." Barry smiled


Caitlin was in her cousin's apartment having just received Barry's voice message. She was too afraid to open it up, but it was the only thing on her mind. Caitlin loved Barry but after seeing him with a gun in his hand standing over a dead body made her scared and now she was even more scared to admit her feelings to him. Emma, her cousin told her that she should try and get over Barry, but could she? Barry was the main reason she actually got out of bed, the reason she smiles and the reason why she feels so loved in this world.

She opened her heart up to someone and she wasn't going to let him go that easily. She opened up the voice message and what she heard shattered her heart. Hearing the sad tone of Barry's voice, she could practically see the broken expression on his face. She dropped her phone on the floor and held her head in shame. Hearing him say that she doesn't care was like a stab wound, hearing him call her 'Caitlin' was another wound.

"What have i done?" Caitlin questioned herself

"If you love hime, then go get him." Emma said

"B-but you said i sohuld get over him?" Caitlin asked

"That was before i realised how much you love him, now go get him." Emma encouraged. Caitlin nodded and left her apartment and drove straight to Barry and Natalia's house. WHen she got their she saw the driveway was empty but ran to the door and knocked. She waited a few seconds and no response. She started to tear up and fumble her keys and got the spare key that Natalia gave her and opened the door. She ran in and called out their names but yet again no response.

"Whera re you guys?" Caitlin asked until she remember that there was a train that led to Kandos Bay which was the neighbouring town and then from there another train that would lead to Washington. She got back in her car and drove to the train station. She checked her watch despite the darkness outside and using the moonlight. She saw it was nearly eight o'clock and drove faster. once she was there she jumped out of her car and ran to the train platform.

"The next train to Kandos Bay will depart in one minute."

She ran faster until she ran into a crowd of people that had just came out of the train. She pushed past as many people as she could until she could see the train. She saw Barry standing there checking his watch until he sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair. She watched him and Natalia board the train and once she was finally through the crowd she saw the train doors close then the train began to move.

"No...." Caitlin whispered seeing the train move into the night as she felt raindrops around her. She felt the night time begin to cry as the rain became heavier, "I'll see you again Barry, i promise." She said reaching her hand out for the train.

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