Kandos Bay

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Barry woke up in a haze and the sunlight beaming onto his face from a crack in the curtains, he rubbed his eyes and felt something weighing on his shoulder. He turned over and saw the peaceful sleeping face of Caitlin Snow.

"Hmm?" Caitlin said waking up and smiling at him

"Caitlin?" Barry asked confused.

"Wake up Barry." Caitlin whispered in his ear. 

Barry shot up from his seat on the train as Natalia giggled at him.

"C'mon Barr, we're nearly at Kandos Bay." Natalia said smiling. Her smile faded upon seeing his drab facial expression, "You were dreaming again weren't you?" She ask as he nodded

"Yeah, it's stupid i know." He said brushing his hand over his hair as he sighed and looked out the window as the rain tattered on the window.

"I like this weather." Natalia smiled

"Everyone does." He chuckled, "So peaceful." He said smiling. He felt the train begin to slow down and eventually it came to a stop.

"C'mon let's go." Natalia said smiling and grabbing his hand. He picked up their bags and walked out of the train and took in a breath of fresh air. Natalia took her bag out of his hand and checked the time on her watch, "We've still got a few hours until the train to Washington comes." Natalia whined

"I heard Kandos Bary has some nice views." Barry suggested as she smiled and nodded

"Sight seeing wouldn't hurt anyone." She said. As Barry and Natalia were walking a blond woman accidently bumped into Barry and she dropped a pile of papers she was carrying.

"Oh my god, i'm so sorry." The woman said quickly picking up the papers

"It's okay." Barry chuckled as he crouched down and began helping her. He handed her his pile as she smiled greatfully at him.

"Thanks, oh, i'm Patty by the way....Patty Spivot." The woman smiled extending her hand

"Barry Allen, and this is my sister Natalia." Barry said as Natalia smiled and shook her hand

"Uhh, do either of you know when the next train to Washington comes?" Patty asked

"Yeah, in......five hours." Natalia said as Patty sighed

"Five hours?" Patty asked as Natalia nodded, "Are you also headed to Washington?" She asked as they both nodded, "May i ask why?" She asked smiling

"We're headed their because........we live there?" Natalia said sheepishly,

"I'll believe you." Patty chuckled

"Me and Barry were just headed around town to kill some time, wanna come?" Natalia asked as Patty smiled and nodded. They began walking out of the train statino and down the street, "Also i couldn't help but notice your badge." Natalia said pointing to a shiny badge that was around her neck, like how Jake wears his badge.

"Oh i'm a detective with the CCPD and i'm headed to Washington to follow up on a lead." Patty said smiling

"A detective?" Barry asked as she nodded

"I wanted to become a CSI but being a detective is where all the action is and plus i can help more people as a detective." Patty smiled

"Being in law enforcement is hard isn't it?" Barry chuckled

"Yeah it can be pretty stressful, but not to sound rude, i'm not sure you would completely understand." Patty said causing Barry and Natalia to start laughing

"The long hours, the constant danger and the lots and lots of paper work." Barry said much to Patty's confusion, "At the FBI it's the same." He smiled

"F-FBI?!" Patty exclaimed, "I didn't know you two were agents?" She said

"Was i allowed to tell her that?" Barry whispered to his sister

"I dunno." Natalia said shrugging her shoulders, "But no need to worry." She smiled

"This could be my perfect chance to take Barry's mind off of Caitlin." Natalia thought as she smiled

"So what made you two want to become FBI agents?" Patty asked as she saw Barry and Natalia's mood change instantly, "Oh sorry, i didn't mean to bring up andy bad memories." She apologised

"It's okay." Barry assured, "We joined law enforcement to find our parents killer, and along the way we met a kind detecive who is now a captain and i guess he inspired us to help other people like he helped us." Barry smiled

"I had someone like that." Patty said with a small smile on her face, "When my dad died i had no one, i got pushed around in the foster system a lot, but thankfully i met a wonderful family and they took me in." She smiled, "They told me that i shouldn't take my anger out on the world and instead make the world a better place and a place where no one would ever feel hurt ever again."

"They sound like wonderful people." Natalia smiled

"My foster dad actually works with me at CCPD." Patty said chuckling, "And my foster sister works at CCPN."

"Natalia was going to be a reporter if she wasn't going to join the FBI." Barry said

"I met a few reporters on a few of my cases in Central City, what's her name?" Natalia asked

"She joined recently so you might not of met her, her name is Iris West." Patty smiled, "And my foster dad, Joe West is also a detecive at CCPD."

"Is it weird working with a family member?" Natalia asked

"Well your partner is your brother." Patty chuckled as Barry face palmed causing Natalia to chuckle sheepishly. Barry got a call from Agent Watson so he wondered off leaving Patty and Natalia alone.

"Hey Natalia can i ask you a personal question?" Patty asked nervously

"Sure." Natalia smiled

"I-is Barry seeing anyone?" Patty asked

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