Dream or Future

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Barry felt his eyelids weighing on his eyes and the sun shining on them. It was bright even though his eyes were closed. He pryed his eyes open and looked around his surroundings. He looked around and saw he was in a bed, in a bedroom in someones home. He jumped up and looked around figuring he had been kidnapped. Until his eyes met with someone elses.

"I'm glad you're awake now." Caitlin smiled

"C-Caitlin?" Barry asked confused rubbing his eyes, thinking this was another dream

"You haven't called me 'Caitlin' in years." She chuckled

"Years?" Barry asked, "We've only known each other for a few months." He said

"Barr, are you feeling okay?" She asked putting the back of her hand on his forehead

"I-I'm feeling fine, are you?" He asked looking at her confused

"I'm better than fine, Nat is coming over today, remember?" Caitlin chuckled with a bright smile on her face. All the memories of what had happened came back to him and he frantically checked where he had been stabbed......only to see a scar.

"I remember that, i was on the train to Washington when i heard the news." Caitlin said sadly sitting next to him on the bed.

"This is a dream right?" Barry asked

"If it was?" Caitlin pondered, "To you, is this a dream or nightmare?" She asked

"A dream......a pleasent one." He smiled blissfully

"I'm glad." She smiled rubbing his face. Something cold was on her finger, he looked at it and saw a ring. He looked at his own hand and saw a similar ring,

"Did you also somehow forget about our marriage as well?" She chuckled slightly

"O-Of course not." He chuckled nervously

"Good, hurry upp, get dressed Nat's going to be here soon." Caitlin rushed out of the room. Barry asked himself if this was a dream or not and if this is the life he wanted, who was he kidding? This is the life he's always wanted, being able to come home to someone, being able to share his life with someone, that specific someone......was none other than Caitlin Snow, or Snow-Allen. He smiled and climbed out of bed and changed into someone proper clothes.

 He walked out of their room and saw they didn't live in an apartment, but a house. He walked down the hallways and looked at the photo lining the walls. In each photo they both look so happy, them at Disneyland, their wedding, their honeymoon, every photo they were smiling. One photo in particular caught his eye, a photo of Caitlin and Barry side by side each holding someone's hand.

"Daddy." Someone called out happily. Barry stood their frozen unable to take his eyes off the photo

"Daddy?" The little girl's voice questioned. Barry looked down to his side and saw a eight year old girl smiling at him. A girl that he's never seen in his life, but somehow loves her more than anything.

"Nora!!" Caitlin called out

"Coming!!" Nora called back, "C'mon daddy, Auntie Nat is coming." She urged tugging on his hand with a smile on her face that was only second to Caitlin's

"Nora........" Barry smiled with a tear in his eye thinking about his mom.

"Yeah?" She asked

"N-Nothing.....i love you Nora." He smiled as Nora smiled even wider

"I love you too." She said hugging his waist. This was it, this was the future he wants with Caitlin. He lifted Nora into his arms and walked down with the stairs while she giggled.

"Your late." A voice said making Barry smile

"I overslept." Barry chuckled nervously

"Auntie Natty!!!" Nora cheered happily as Barry placed her on her feet she bolted straight into her arms.

"Hey Nori." Natalia smiled hugging her niece as Nora giggled. Barry and Caitlin watched from the kitchen with smiles on their faces. 

"Does Natalia have anymore special?" Caitlin asked

"That's something you have to ask her." Barry pointed out thinking back to her unlucky romantic past. There was a loud knock on the door but the pattern of the knocked was familiar. Barry smiled and went to the door and opened it.

"Hey Ray." Barry smiled as none other than Raymod Holt smiled back

"Hello Barry, i've come to visit my granddaughter, son, daughter and daughter-in-law." Holt informed

"Still the same huh?" Barry chuckled inviting him in. Holt was then suddenly attakced by an eight year old girl.

"Hi Ray!!!" Nora said excitedly making Holt smile. Everything Barry's seen so far makes him wonder if he's in a dream or he's seeing his own future. Whatever it was this makes him truely happy. So much so that he didn't want to wake up, but he knew that eventually he'd had to.

"Nora come here for a sec." Barry said as she nodded and came over

"Yeah?" She asked

"Nora be a good girl olay?" He asked, "Eat your vegaetables, be nice to your mom, make friends, eat three meals a day, help others even if they don't want it, most importantly never forget that i love you, okay?" He said bringing her into a hug not wanting to let go of her.

"Okay i will i promise." Nora nodded holding her dad tightly. Barry smiled and closed his eyes and when he opened them he was in his hospital room with flowers on the bed side table.

"It was a dream." He chuckled blocking the sun with his hand a single tear slid down his cheek.

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