Revelations and Betrayals

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Barry, Natalia, Caitlin and the Nine-Nine were sitting around the living room discussing a plan of attack that wouldn't involve bloodshed for both sides, but they knew that would be unlikely.

"We know that the Colasantis have a mole in the FBI. So i did some digging and look at what i found." Jake said putting a file onto the table that Barry and Natalia read through it, "Last week he had a massive influx of cash wired into his bank account from an off-shore account and i had one my CIs run it and that specific account is run by the Colasantis." He explained as Natalia and Barry stared at the file in disbelief and shock.

"Eobard?" Barry asked closing the file slowly and putting it on the table

"But he was our friend why would we sell us out?" Natalia asked sadly, "We trusted him!!" She yelled as Barry took his distraught little sister into a hug

"Do we have a location?" Holt asked as Jake sighed and shook his head

"He's keeping his appearance up at the FBI and as far as he knows we don't know a thing." Jake smiled

"Good keep it that way." Holt said, "We should lure him down here and get some answers." Holt suggested as he looked over to Barry and Natalia

"Let's get this son of a bitch." Natalia snarled. A few days passed and Barry had put in a request that Eobard come down to Spring Valley to inform himself and Natalia on the progression of the Colasantis case. Natalia and Barry were beyond pissed that one of their closest friends sold them out and indirectly nearly killed them.

"You know Barr, for so long i blamed myself for our op going wrong and then us being stuck here, but this whole time it was Eobard's" Natalia said sadly, "He was our friend." She said holding her head down

"He was Nat, and he was a good one. Until he endangered my sister, and no one blames you for the op going off the rails." Barry said as she nodded and gave her brother a hug

"Thanks Barr." She smiled into his chest. Holt smiled at the two children he practically raised he remembers when they were first entering their school again to when they graduated from the police academy.

"Eyes up we got company." Terry said closing one of the blinds and holstering his gun

"Keep your cool, once we get your signal we'll place him under arrest. if you can get a confession out of him, he'll be put away for a long time." Holt said entering the office and closing the door behind him as nearly every member of the Nine-Nine hid somewhere in the house. Terry and Rosa went with Caitlin back to her apartment just in case. The doorbell rung and Barry could already see that Natalia was very angry.

"Nat, calm down." Barry said rubbing her back and walking to the door. He opened it and saw the smiling face of Eobard Thawne, instantly seeing it made Barry sick to his stomach knowing that one of his friends had sold him out for a cash grab.

"Hey Barry." Eobard smiled causing Natalia to seeth. She was about to raise her fist but Barry held her arm and held it firmly, "I was glad that you requested for me, i missed you two the FBI isn't the same without our two star agents." He said happily

"Cut the crap Thawne." Natalia spat, "We know you're the mole." She said pointing her finger as Thawne's charade dropped

"You were always a smart one Natalia." Thawne chuckled slightly, "And that's what makes you dangerous." He said pulling his gun on her as Barry without a second thought stepped inbetween them, "Always the hero, huh Barry?" He taunted cocking his gun

"We trusted you Thawne, but that's not going to stop us from putting you away for life." Barry said staring him in the eyes and not minding the gun barrel in his face

"Too bad, you two won't be alive to see it." Thawne said but right before he was about to pull the trigger someoen shot him in the back of the leg.

"Eobard Thawne, you have the right to remain silent." Holt yelled as Thawne yelled in pain and clutched his leg. Amy and Jake ran from the office and handcuffed Thawne as Natalia kneeled next to him.

"If you ever hurt my family ever again, not even the Colasantis will save you from me." Natalia whispered walkging away

"Scary." Jake muttered lifting Thawne off the floor as he and Amy carried him off to their car.

"Are you two okay?" Holt asked holstering his gun as Natalia and Barry both nodded. Natalia hugged her brother tightly and began to silently cry into his chest

"Hey, hey why are you crying?" Barry asked rubbing her back and the back of her head

"Y-you could of died." She stuttered as Barry chuckled and held her close

"I'm sorry, but i guess you're more important to me than my own life." He said as she hugged him tighter.

"I kind of feel like i'm lurking." Holt said akwardly as Barry chuckled and brought him into the hug as well which Natalia accpeted.


While Amy and Jake were transporting Thawne to the hospital he started to chuckle

"What's so funny?" Amy asked

"Tge fact that you think that i'll testify against the Colasantis. Your friends will be on the run for the rst of their lives." Thawne said

"Have you hever heard of Jimmy 'The Butcher' Figgis?" Jake asked with a proud smirk on his face

"Yeah, he was one of the Colasantis biggest rivals until he got busted." Thawne said

"Guess who were the ones that busted him." Amy smiled

"That's right we were." Jake smiled, "Our friends will return home and you'll return to your prison cell where you belong." He said as Thawne smiled and conuted down the seconds.

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