Warning Shot

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While Barry, Natalia and Holt were talking in his office a strange man came through the elevator wearing a black hoodie and his hands in his pockets

"Hey, who are you?" Jake asked walking up the man as the man pulled out a gun and began shooting at Holt's office. Terry ran and tackled the man to the floor and punched him, knocking him out.

"Captain? Barry? Natalia?" Amy yelled as Holt and Natalia walked out of the office

"We're okay." Holt said as Barry followed behind holding his shoulder

"Barry!!" Natalia cried running to his side as he slid down the wall to the floor

"It's just a flesh wound, i won't die." Barry said trying to cheer up his little sister.

"If you keep moving you're keep losing blood." Holt said holding Barry down, "Santiago call an ambulance, Jeffords, Diaz i want that guy in the interrogation room now." Holt ordered as Rosa and Terry nodded and carried the shooter off.

"Stay with me Barr." Natalia pleaded as Barry slowly closed his eyes, "Don't close your eyes." She begged with tears streaming down her face. Barry blacked out from the pain as Natalia cried for him to stay awake. Five minutes later the paramedics arrived and carried Barry to a hospital

"This isn't how i imagined our reunion." Natalia chuckled sadly as Holt sat next to her

"Barry is one of the strongest people i know, he can pull through." Holt said rubbing Natalia's back as she wiped away her tears

"I know, but seeing Barry with a bullet hole in his shoulder is scary." She whispered sadly

"I know it can be, but you know that Barry loves you more than anything." Holt said as she nodded, "Rosa and Terry are interrogating the suspect now, if you'd like to join?" Holt asked

"I already know who's behind it." Natalia said storming of the the interrogation room. She swung the door open which startled Rosa and Terry, "How much did The Colasanti's pay you to kill my brother?!" She yelled angrily

"Nothing i did it for free. Your brother put my dad away for life, it was time to pay him back." The shooter said. Natalia was about to punch him in the face until Holt came in and held her back, "And i wasn't meant to kill him, they were warning shots." The man finished with a smirk on his face

"Natalia we have enough evidence to put him away for a long time, don't ruin it because you're angry." Holt urged as Natalia huffed and left the room, "Natalia i think you should stay with Barry, let us run this investigation. Your brother needs you." Holt said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Okay thank you Raymond." Natalia smiled greatfully as she left the precinct and caught a taxi to the hospital. She entered the hospital and slipped past all the nurses and went straight to Barry's room. 

"Hey Barr." She waved as Barry smiled at her

"Hey Nat, how are you?" He asked as she giggled slightly and sat on the chair next to his bed

"You got shot and you're asking how i am?" She asked with an eyebrow raised

"You're my little sister i want to know that you're okay." Barry chuckled

"I'm fine Barr, and how are you?" She asked

"I'm better now that you're here." Barry smiled at his sister before they heard a knock at the door

"I hope i'm not intruding." Holt said with a bunch of flowers in his hands

"Thanks Raymond." Barry smiled resting his head back onto his pillow

"Barry, Natalia, we've known each other for more than fifteen years, call me Ray." Holt smiled 

"My, my, how you two have grown." A voice said that Barry and Natalia instantly recognised

"Kevin!!" Natalia said exctiedly and giving him a hug

"Hi Natalia." Kevin said smiling and hugging her back

"Raymond tells ms you took a bullet for him." Kevin said looking at Barry, "Thank you Barry." He said greatfully

"No problem Kevin." Barry chuckled

"Why would someone try and kill you?" Holt asked Barry as he sighed

"I'm investigating The Colasanti Crime Family and i guess they caught wind of it and treid to kill me." He breathed out slightly annoyed

"Barry, The Colasanti Family is one of the most dangerous and powerful crime families in the world. I know i can't stop you from investigating them so all i ask is that you be careful, and not to do it alone." Holt urged as Barry and Natalia nodded

"I'm not alone." Barry smiled at his sister, "I've got Nat." He said as she nodded rapidly

"And i've got BarBar." Natalia cheered like a little kid

"I see somethings never change." Kevin chuckled. They heard a knock at the door and the entire squad walked in all holdin flowers and chocolates

"We may of met a few hours ago, but if Captain Holt considers you family, then so do we." Terry said as everyone nodded

"Thanks." Barry smiled greatfully

"How is it on the FBI?" Kevin asked 

"The best, especially the windbreakers." Natalia smiled

"That's the only thing she wanted, on our first day she forgot her badge at home because she wanted to get her windbreaker." Barry chuckled causing Natalia's face to turn red

"You promised you would never bring that up again." She pouted causing everyone to erupt into laughter. While everyone was talking and catching up with each other Barry's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" He asked

"Hey Barry, i got the news that you got shot, are you okay?" Eobard asked which confused Barry. How did Eobard know he got shot when he hasn't told anyone yet.

"Thanks." Barry said brushing away his thoughts, "How are things in Washington?" He asked

"All good, but a little boring without you and Mini Allen over here." Eobard chuckled

"We'll be back tomorrow, tell Bob i said hi." Barry said as Eobard chuckled and hung up

"Who was that?" Holt asked

"One of my buddies, he was just checking up on me." Barry said as Holt nodded

--FBI HQ--

"Why didn't you kill him!?" Eobard whisper yelled into his phone

"It was a warning shot, do we look like animals?" A voice replied, "You're on our payroll so don't forget where you stand Eobard." The voice finished

(A/N: Snowbarry is coming please be patient XD)

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