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Instead of going home Natalia headed back to the FBI building to check on Barry and to finish some of her neglected paperwork. She sat at her desk and glanced over to the two framed photos on her desk. One of them was taken on her eighth birthday with her, Barry and their parents and the other was with her, her brother and Raymond on her 10th birthday. She picked them up and smiled at them and wished she had kept in contact with Raymond seeing as he was the one who checked up on them every time they moved foster home. What they didn't know was that he was there at both of their graduations from college, high school and from the police academy. While she was smiling at the photos she heard a loud crash come the break room, she took out her gun and ran over and peered in to see Barry sitting on the floor and rubbing his head

"Hey Nat." Barry waved akwardly

"You scared the life out of me." She breathed out and lending him a hand, "Oh and by the way, we gotta go to New York tomorrow." She said as Barry gave a confused expression

"Why?" He asked

"One of your CI's told me that a while ago one of the detectives in the 99th precinct had a case against Cortez but it was thrown away due to lack of evidence, so i was thinking maybe we could look through the file and see if they found anything on Cortez that we didn't." She smiled as Barry hugged her

"Thanks Nat, i owe you one." Barry said smiling

"No i owed you one, i let Cortez get away once, i'm not letting him get away again." Natalia said brushing hair from her face

"I already told you it wasn't your fault." Barry sighed rubbing Natalia's head

"Just because you told me that doesn't mean it wasn't my fault." She said annoyed slightly about how nice her brother was.

"You're my baby sister, i can't blame you." Barry chuckled causing Natalia to slap his arm

"I'm only two years younger than you and yet everyone thinks i'm a child." She pouted

"You're pouting and you're short, and you wonder why people think you're a child?" Barry asked raising his eyebrow

"Call me short one more time, i dare you." She said sassily

"I'm sorry Nat." Barry chuckled as she smiled

"Go back your bag our flight is at 8:30 in the morning." She said as Barry sighed and nodded

"I'll debrief." Barry said grabbing his coat and looking at the photos on Natalia's desk

"Do you ever think we'll see Raymond again?" Barry asked sadly

"I hope so, i......we didn't get to thank him for everything he's done for us and i swear i saw him at your college graduation." She said as Barry shrugged his shoulders. Natalia let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes

"I guess it's my turn to drive." He chuckled taking his keys out as she nodded. They walked to his car but saw a note on his windshield.

'Stop looking for me.' 

Barry picked up the note and threw it on the floor.

"We're not stopping are we?" Natalia asked as Barry shook his head

"Not a chance." He smiled opening the door as she did the same. He drove Natalia to her apartment but because of the note he stayed at her place to make sure she wasn't harmed

"You take the couch." Natalia yawned closing her bedroom door. Barry flopped onto the couch and fell asleep quickly.

Barry was peacfully sleeping until he felt a sharp pain on his face, then again. He opened his eyes and saw Natalia standing over him.

Love In a Heartbeat - Snowbarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now