Sheriff Station

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A few weeks passed since Thawne was taken into custody and they've made no progess towards The Colasantis since Thawne refuses to testify in fear of his own life and everyone knew how deep The Colasantis roots ran and Thawne would prabably end up being found not guilty anyway. Being so close to their freedom Barry and Natalia worked tirelessly to get any new leads or evidence to the point where they had barely left the house anymore, the 99 returned back to Brooklyn which left the wellbeing of the Allens to Caitlin. Caitlin walked up the drive way and knocked on the door, she heard the door unlock then open.

"Hey Cait." Natalia smiled, "I know, i look like a mess." She sighed

"Well judging by the fact that's you've left your house twice in the past four weeks is probably why." Caitlin chuckled, "How are you two doing by the way?" She asked concerned

"We're getting by, Barry is doing okay, he's not as bad as he was a few weeks ago. I mean you practically dragged him out of the house." Natalia chuckled

"He looked like a zombie." Caitlin laughed which caused Natalia to laugh as well.

"I'm doing fine that you very much." Barry said which scared both Natalia and Caitlin

"Barr, you can't just sneak up on us like that." Natalia scolded slapping his shoulder

"Sorry, sorry." Barry chuckled sheepishly, "Hey Cait." He said smiling as he kissed her cheek. She felt a little disappointed that he didn't properly kiss her which he caught onto too. He smiled slightly and gave her a warm kiss, she smiled and kissed back. Natalia cleared her throat very loudly which caused them to break apart.

"I'm still here." Natalia pouted causing Barry and Caitlin to start laughing until the doorbell rung. 

"I'll get it." Caitlin said walking away. Something about this situation was ticking off Barry's nerves, every alarm in his body was telling him to not let Caitlin open the door and to grab her and his sister and run.

"Wait, i'll get it." Barry said calmly as Caitlin nodded. Barry grabbed his gun from under the counter and walked to the door. He put the barrel of his gun and his ear against the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw the mailman holding a package. He let out a sigh of relief and holstered his gun and opened the door

"Hey, i've got a package for Natalia Allen." The mailman smiled whilst holding the package in front of himself. Once again this gave Barry an unnerving feeling down his spine. Barry reluctantly took the package and read the label and saw that the package had been ordered on the day of Thawne's arrest which was no coincidence. The mailman reached into his bag and this caused Barry to instictively slam the door closed. He put his ear against the door again and heard the faint sound of someone cocking back a gun.

"Crap." Barry muttered as he ran away from the door. Three bullets went flying through the front door as Barry dropped to the floor. The door slowly swung open and the man walked in and aimed his gun directly at Barry. As he was about to pull the trigger he was shot in the stomach as Barry smiled under his breath and rolled over onto his back. He stood up and brushed himself off.

"H-how i shot you?" The man stuttered

"I just fell onto the floor with my gun hidden under my stomach, you should be more careful next time." Barry said as the man fell to the floor while clutching his stomach.

"Barry, we heard gunshots are you okay!?" Natalia asked worriedly running over as Barry smiled

"I'm okay Nat, i can't say the same for him though." He said pointing over to the shooter

"Greg?!" Natalia exclaimed, "Greg the mailman tried to shoot you?" She asked further as he nodded

"You konw him?" He asked

"Yeah, he was your typical good person mailman. To think he would try and kill you....." Natalia admitted sadly. She walked up to him and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out phone with a photo of Barry and Natalia's face on it, "He really was an assassin." She sighed throwing it on the floor and stepping on it. Caitlin stood in shock seeing a someone dead and her boyfriend being the one who killed him.

"Cait, i'm sorry you had to see this." Barry said walking towards her as she back up

"S-sorry, but i-i need some time alone." Caitlin said quickly walking out of the house as Barry let out a deep and sad sigh

"What had i done?" He asked sadly

"Don't worry, she'll come around eventually." Natalia said supportively

"I'm not so sure, she did just see me shoot that guy, even if it was in self defence." Barry sighed putting his gun on the table

"What do we do with his body?" Natalia asked

"We tell the Sheriff the truth." Barry suggested as she nodded

"Shotty not telling him." Natalia said quickly

"Such a child." Barry chuckled, "I guess you have to stay here and watch Greg." He said leaving the house as Natalia gagged in her mouth. She has killed before but that was only to save hostages, but something in her snapped when her parents were killed and when she killed the hostage taker she felt nothing, no sadness, no regret, no guilt, does that make her a bad person?

"Sorry Greg." Natalia whispered closing his eyes


Barry drove to the Sheriff's station whilst having his FBI badge in his pocket. He and Natalia asked for their badges back when the 99 came to Spring Valley and they managed to get them back. It doesn't even feel like they're even in witness protection anymore, it's like a holiday while people are trying to kill you. He walked into the Sheriff's station and they immediatly noticed the blood on him.

"What happened Barry?" Sheriff Hughes asked

"I shot someone who tried to invade my house." Barry admitted as two deputy Sheriffs raised their guns on him. Barry slowly reached for his pocket, "My name is Special Agent Barry Allen, with the FBI, i am reaching for a badge as proof of identity." Barry said which shocked everyone, he pulled his badge out as the deputy's dropped their guns

"So this whole time, you've been what? Undercover?" Hughes asked

"Nope, witness protection." Barry chuckled

"Ahhhh, must be pretty bad then huh?" Hughes asked

"Yeah, anyway someone tried to kill me and my sister and i might of shot him, and since me and Nat aren't techically allowed to be agents i was wondering if the Sheriffs station can run the investigation and me and Nat will cooperate completely." Barry said as the Sheriff nodded and put his hat on.

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