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Caitlin was.....kinda lost on what to do now and she was lost in general, she had barely thought her plan out when she came to Washington. She was living in a hotel and it had been a few days since all the drama at the hosptial and she would somtimes wonder around the hospital trying to muster up the courage to confront Natalia again. All that was fueling her was seeing Barry again and now that option isn't avaliable yet, she hasn't the faintest clue on what to do.

"Barry.......what did i do to you?" Caitlin asked herself while wondering the street as she was crossing the road her mind was too far gone and she didn't notice a car barelling towards her. At the last second the only thing she heard was a blaring horn and then something crashes into her.

* * *

Barry smiled as he signed the papers while Natalia waited for him. Once he was done she smiled and handed him his jacket. After a grueling four days in the hospital the doctor finally decided he was all clear to go.

"How do you feel?" Natalia asked causing Barry to laugh

"Nat i'm fine." He chuckled

"I'm just worried." She laughed. Barry asked if he could return to work right away and Agent Watson reluctantly agreed but put Barry on desk duty for a few weeks, and couldn't go on the field unless accompanied by his partner. As they were walking back to Barry's apartment since Natalia insisted on staying the night just in case, Barry heard the roar of a car behind him. He turned his head and saw the car heading straight towards a woman in the middle of the street. 

All of his instincts kicked in and he bolt towards the woman and tackled her out of the way as the car sped past them. If Barry were a split second too late she would of been struck and most likely died.

"Hey?! Are you okay?!" Barry asked as the woman rubbed her head and nodded

"Yeah, yeah i'm okay, thank y........." The woman trailed off as their eyes met. Both their hearts stopped. It has felt like the time stopped and the entire universe stopped expanding. The crowd surrounding them were practically invisible.



Natalia pushed her way through the crowd and that's when she saw what was going on. She saw Barry and Caitlin and their eyes locked in a stare each one refusing to take their gazes away from the other.

"W-Why? Why are you here? In Washington." Barry asked breaking the silence between them despite the crowd around them

"To......see you." She said trying to smile but her mixture of emotions was too much


"Before you say anything Barry, let me speak." Caitlin said, "I know you hate me, i know you were heartbroken, i know i hurt you, but just so you know, it hurt me as well. Natalia told me everything, i was broken without you and knowing that i hurt you broke me even more, i-i honestly don't want to live anywhere if i'm not with you, because........i love you." She said pouring her entire heart out. All her pent up emotions and feelings into one sentence

"I-I never hated you." Barry smiled brushing his hand on her cheek, "Sure i was hurt, i was sad, but i knew that i would see you again.....because i love you too." Barry smiled as he and Caitlin both had smiles on their faces that could brighten the night sky. Barry put his hand on her cheek and slowly leaned in. Without hesistation Caitlin smiled and kissed Barry with all the passion in the world. Once they pulled away tey both still had giant smiles on their faces.

"Are you guys okay?" Natalia asked rushing over to them

"We're fine." Barry smiled

"Jeez, right out the hospital and you're going around and doing this." Natalia scolded. She help them up but pulled Caitlin aside

"You make my brother happy, i see that now, but if you ever make himsad ever even once, i'll put you in a cell that'll never see the light of day." Natalia whispered and saw no look of fear, hesistation or regret in Caitlin's eye and knew that Caitlin's love for Barry was genuine. Barry dusted himself off and toldthe crowd that no one was hurt and that there was no need for an ambulance.

"I'll see you tomorrow Barry." Caitlin waved as she truned around and began to walk away, "Actually.....screw it." She whispered. She truned around and ran and jumped into Barry's arms and kissed him again, "I love you so much." She whispered hugging him tightly. She felt Barry's arms tighten around her making her feel safe.

"Yeah, i'll see you tomorrow." He smiled pulling away.

"A-Actually, i know this is so soon, but i can i crash at yours for a few days?" She asked 

"Of course." Barry smiled. Caitlin smiled back and kissed him again

"I'll get my bag and be right over." She smiled. She rushed away as Barry smiled and turned to face his sister.

"Already?" She asked tapping her foot on the floor

"Relax Nat, she already passed your 'scary sister' test." Barry chuckled which suprised her, "Yeah, i know all about your 'scary sister' act." He smiled

"I need to make sure." Natalia argued back.

"Thank you, for being my sister." Barry smiled genuinely

Love In a Heartbeat - Snowbarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now