Family of Five

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Barry, Caitlin, Kara and Luke walked into the apartment and was suprised to see Natalia sitting on the couch.

"I hope there's stuff for me as well." She smiled

"A-Are you eating my ice-cream?" Barry asked with a threatening tone as Natalia dropped her sppon and got in his face

"What are you going to do about it?" She asked returning his menacing glare with her own.

"Okay calm down we have precious guests." Caitlin said interjecting their conversation

"Oh, hi, my names Natalia." She waved with an innocent smile as if the past few seconds didn't even happen, "You're Luke and you're Kara." She said pointing at them as they nodded

"Are you living here?" Kara asked

"Nope, but you two are now my precious niece and nephew." She said patting their heads

"Wait what?" Luke asked confused

"I'm your foster father." Barry said smiling

"Really?!" Kara and Luke asked shocked

"Mmhmm." He hummed as Caitlin giggled

"So...your our foster aunt?" Kara asked as Natalia nodded

"If Barry is being annoying call him..." Before Natalia could reveal his greatest weakness she was struck in the head with a pillow.

"They don't need to know that." Barry said as Natalia pouted and rubbed the back of her head

"That hurt." She whined. The lively atmosphere caused Kara and Luke to start laughing. Under her persona of an airhead, Natalia was happy to see Luke and Kara laugh and act their age.

"Make yourselves at home." Caitlin said as they both nodded.

"I'm hunry can we eat now?" Natalia asked

"How did you even get in here?" Barry asked

"Well the upstairs neighbour is rather nice, i asked if we could have tea and then climbed down that metal stair case thingy and picked the lock on your window and yeah." Natalia said

"So you broke into my apartment?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Well if you say it like that, then yeah i did, but think of it as more of a suprise visit from your favourite and only sister." She smiled innocently.

"Yes there is enough food for you." Barry sighed as she smiled and clapped her hands together

"Luke, kara, can you get plates please?" Barry asked as they both nodded. As they were walking over with plates Kara dropped one causing it to shatter. 

She saw Barry walked over to her and saw his arm move and her instincts kicked and she closed her eyes and braced for impact, but there was nothing. She opened her eyes and saw him picking up and pieces. She quickly crouched down and began helping him until he softly grabbed her hands.

"Don't, i don't want you to hurt yourself." He said softly 

"B-But, i dropped the plate, i should clean it up." Kara argued as Barry placed his hands on her shoulders

"Kara, you've been though a lot but that doesn't mean you can't rely on me or Cait, or Natalia. That goes for you too Luke. Whether you like it or not i'm your foster father and as long as your under my roof, i'll protect you." Barry said as Kara's eyes brimmed with tears. She felt a warmth in her chest as she wiped her eyes.

"D-Did i say something wrong?" Barry asked worriedly as she smiled and shook her head

"Thank you Barry, thank you." Kara said tackling him into a hug as Luke joined in sharing his sister's tears.

"Cait, Nat, get in here." He chuckled as they both smiled and joined the hug.

Finally Kara and Luke could let their walls down because now they knew there were people who wanted to protect them.

"C'mon the food will get cold." Barry smiled as he pulled away. They sat down and ate while sharing stories with eachother.

Barry wondered if everything that happened to him had led him to this very moment. It was worth it. All the pain he suffered, all the heartbreak to see his sister, his girlfriend and Kara and Luke smiling and laughing, it was all worth it and he would do it all again.

"Guys go have a shower and get ready for bed, me and Cait will clean up." Barry said as they both held their heads down.

"What?" Caitlin asked softly

"Why are you being so nice to us, we've only known eachother for a day." Luke asked 

"Do i need a reason to be nice?" Barry answered as Kara and Luke wore confused expressions on their faces, "Are you guys having a hard time trusting me?" He asked as they both shook their heads rapidly

"No, it's not that, we're greatful to you Barry, but.....everything we've been through, we're scared." Luke said barely above a whisper

"Well, i'm here, and i'll do everything i can until you feel safe enough to come out of your shells." He smiled poking their foreheads.

"Now go get ready for bed, i know you don't have school or anything, but i want you in bed by a reasonable time." Barry said as they both nodded and walked away.

"Hey Kara, what do you think of Barry?" Luke asked his sister

"He's nice, funny and he can protect us. For some reason.......i trust him a lot." Kara answered, "What about you?" She asked

"I feel the same." He smiled putting his arm over Kara's shoulders.

"Get off me, you stink." Kara said pushing his arm off

"Hey, that's not nice." Luke said as Kara poked his face and stuck her tongue out.

Barry head their commotion from the kitchen and smiled heaing them act their age.

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