Sailing Ships

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Barry was at home pacing around his room trying to find a good place to take Caitlin for their date, while Natalia was trying to find him an outfit, despite being in the FBI he is very bad at planning ahead. He really did like Caitlin, but the robber yesterday pulled him back to reality, the fact that he was in witness protection and had to constantly look over his shoulder for the sake of him and his sister. One slip up and the Colasanti's will find them.

Meanwhile Caitlin was stressing over about what to wear and if Barry would cancel the date. She really liked him, or dare she say loved him, but she knew that both Natalia and Barry were keeping something from the rest of the town, like the fact that they don't talk about their past at all, but no one wants to pry. Since it's a small town and a small community they don't know about what happened to Barry and Natalia when they were kids and they intend to keep it that way.

"Barr, hurry up and choose." Natalia sighed sitting on the floor with a pile of clothes next to her

"Should i go with fancy restaurant or picnic?" He asked 

"Definitly picnic, Caitlin is a picnic girl." Natalia said with her mouth full of food

"Nat, we're not kids anymore." Barry chuckled as she audibley gulped her food

"Sorry." She said sheepishly, "Now we've got a picnic to set up." She said jumping to her feet and dragging Barry out the house

"Okay we've got an hour to set up a picnic, shouldn't be hard right?" Barry said as Natalia nodded slighly, "We've taken down murders, robbers and gangsters so this shouldn't be hard." He said mentally preparing himself

"Right, right, but if you weren't such a dummy we wouldn't of had to set up this picnic two hours before your date." Natalia huffed annoyed, "You're lucky i'm such a good sister." She smiled

"The best." Barry said greatfully as they got into his car and drove to the field where Barry planned out. They arrived and it only took them one hour to set it up.

"There all done." Natalia smiled dusting her hands off proudly. There was a large blanket, with homemade food on it and candles, "Now go get your girl." She said pushing Barry off to his car as she watched Barry drive like a proud mother, "Look at him go mom." She smiled into the sky

Barry drive nervously over to Caitlin's apartment and kept thinking, what if she changed her mind? What if she's allergic to grass? What if he gets shot and killed by a Colasanti spy? But once he got to her apartment the thoughts got worse, what if she hates his food? What if she's allergic to his food? What if she gets shot and killed by a Colasanti spy? But all of his worried and thoughts were washed away upon her opening the door. She stood their in a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

"Is this too little? Natty said don't wear anything fancy." Caitlin said nervously as Barry stood their in aw, "Hello? Earth to Barry." She said waving her hand in front of his face

"Oh, what, no you look beautiful." Barry smiled as she blushed and tucked some hair behind her ear

"Thanks." She said as Barry grabbed her hand causing her to go beat red

"Ready to go?" Barry chuckled thinking how cute she looked in a hoodie and while blushing. She nodded as Barry lde her to the car, and while they laughed with eachother and talked about their mutual love for baking. Once they got to the field Barry put his hands over her eyes as he led her down the pathway. As soon as the picnic came into view he lifted his hands up as Caitlin let out a little squeal and hugged Barry, "You like it?" He asked

"Like it? I love it." She smiled brightly as Barry mentally thanked Natalia

"Hope you like pasta." Barry said opening up the basket as she nodded rapdily and gladly took the plate.

"Smells amzaing did you make this yourself?" She asked as Barry nodded proudly

"With a little help from Nat." He said pinching his fingers together causing her to giggle

"Hey Barry?" She asked


"Can i ask you a personal question?" Caitlin asked as Barry wiped his mouth and put his plate down. He looked up at the starry night and smiled

"Sure." He said

"Why don't you talk about your past?" She asked

"Because......." He trailed off trying to find a light-hearted way to tell her about his past. Caitlin remembered something Barry once said to her.

'I've been to enough therapy' Then it clicked in her head, his past was filled with darkness that's why he never talked about it.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said as Barry chuckled slightly

"When i was eleven and Nat was nine, we were coming home from school and when we came home. There were police cars surrounding our house, and yellow tape everywhere. Natalia ran in and i ran after her to stop her, but by the time i caught up to her it waws too late and we saw......our parents bodies." He said sadly wiping a tear away as Caitlin brought him into a hug

"I'm sorry for putting you through that again." She said apologised

"Me and Nat dealt with this grief a long time ago, but sometimes it hurts more than the day it happened." He said sadly, "A wise man once told me, that the dead are at peace, the real heroes are the ones who can keep going." He said thinking about Holt.

"I can't imagine what it must of been like for you, thinking about my parents dying now is scary, but if i lost them when i was eleven i would of been crushed." Caitlin said sadly

"Sorry, for bringing the mood down." Barry chuckled wiping his tears

"No, no it's okay, i'm glad i know you better now." She said smilng at him as she put her empty plate down and laid onto the blanket and stared at the stars. Barry did the same and he wasn't aware of how badly Caitlin wanted to cuddle with him and rest her head on his chest. While she was admiring the stars he was admiring her beauty and how her eyes twinkled under the moonlight. He shifted a bit closer as Caitlin involuntarily did the same until they were side by side. 

"Screw it." Caitlin thought as she moved her head and hand onto Barry's chest causing him to smile and wrap his arm around her making her smile as well.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours just admiring the stars and sometimes stealing glances at one another, but not caring if the other noticed or not.

Love In a Heartbeat - Snowbarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now