Matter of Time

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Barry came home from his date and as he was walking up the pathway he saw Natalia sitting on the porch with her arms crossed and rapidly tapping her foot on the floor.

"Where have you been. You had me worried sick?" Natalia joked walking up to him and hugging him, "How was your date?" She asked excitedly

"Were you waiting here to whole time?" Barry asked confused as she nodded slightly

"What?" She asked defnding herself, "In my defence this is the first date you've gone on in a long time and i couldn't sleep." She giggled

"Fair enough." Barry chuckled as they walked back into their home.

"So how was your date?" Natalia asked again smiling

"Well, the it went really well." He smiled greatfully

"And who's fault was that?" She asked

"Yours." Barry chuckled as Natalia did a little bow

"Next time i'm helping you set up your date." Barry chuckled as she instantly shook her head

"Your first idea for your date with Caitlin was laser tag." Natalia sighed rubbing the bridge of her nose

"And was it a bad one?" He asked joking slightly

"Yes, yes it was." Natalia said blankly. Their conversation was interupted by a loud screeching of a car pulling up in front of their house

"Natalia get down!!!" Barry yelled diving on top of her to shield her as the front of their house got sprayed with bullets. After a few seconds the car screeched off and the house was riddled with holes

"Barr?" Natalia asked worriedly as Barry rolled off of her and as she clutched her stomach in pain

"Are you okay?" Barry asked ignoring his wound and looking at Natalia, "Nat, we need to go to the hospital now." He demanded as he slung her arm over his shoulder and holstered his spare gun and carried her to the car. While they were walking down the pathway to Natalia's car they saw another car pull up as Barry reached for gun this time Caitlin came out, upon seeing the state of the house and Natalia she ran over in a panic

"Oh my god what happened?!" Caitlin asked worriedly running over to Natalia's side

"No time to explain we need to go to a hospital now!!" Barry said as Caitlin nodded and ran to her car. Barry put Natalia in the backseat and held the side of her waist to stop the bleeding. He ripped off the sleeve of his jumper and tied it around her waist to apply pressure. Once the were at the hospital he carried Natalia bridal style in the buildling, "Help my sister was shot!!!!!" Barry yelled out a a bunch of nurses and doctors came around them

"What's her name?" One of the doctors asked

"N-Natalia Rose Allen." Barry said shakily as the doctors nodded and wheeled her away on the bed

"Are you okay Barry?" Caitlin asked noticing the blood all over his body

"Why now!!" He yelled sitting on one of the chairs and putting his head in his hands, "The one promise to Natalia i make and i can't keep it." He said sadly as Caitlin sat next to him

"Natalia is a strong woman and she'll live, i know she will." Caitlin said rubbing his back

"I can't help but think if i was fast enough i could of protected her, i promised her that she would never cry or feel hurt again." Barry said on the verge of tears as Caitlin hugged him causing him to flinch slightly, she pulled back and saw the bullet wound in his shoulder

"Oh my god!!" She exclaimed as Barry covered it up, "You were shot and said nothing?!" She yelled

"My little sister is in surgry right now because i couldn't protect her, i can't think about myself right now." He sighed

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