Shining Armour

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Caitlin woke up to another bright and happy morning but an even better morning because it was Wednesday again and she got her few minutes in heaven. She quickly got dressed and opened up the store, and waited patiently for Barry to come in. While she was checking up on the food she heard the bell twinkle she practically bolted to the counter but saw a different Allen.

"Hi Cait." Natalia waved

"Hey Natalia." Caitlin smiled, she was disappointed that it wasn't Barry, but she was best friends with Natalia, "Fridays are usually your days, and Wednesdays are normally Barry's." She said dreamily

"I know for a fact that you have a thing for my brother." Natalia whispered as Caitlin's face turned beet red.

"N-no i don't." She stuttered 

"Oh please, everyone in Spring Valley knows, except Barry and he'll never know until you tell him." Natalia urged

"You know your brother he probably doesn't even like me." Caitlin sighed brushing some hair from her face

"Why do you think he comes here every Wednesday?" Natalia asked with her hand on her hip

"Because he wants to order his breakfast." Caitlin answered

"No silly, Barry doesn't even like blue berry muffins he orders them because they're cheap and i like them, but besides that he comes here to see you." Natalia said lightly punching Caitlin's shoulder

"Even if i were to believe you that doesn't mean Barry likes me back." Caitlin sighed as the bell twinkled again causing Caitlin to nearly drop her cup

"Hey Cait, hey Nat." Barry waved

"Hey Barr, i gotta go." Natalia waved hastily leaving the building as Caitlin cursed her under ther breath

"The usual?" Caitlin asked as Barry shook his head

"I wanna get something about your phone number?" Barry asked with a smirk on his face as Caitlin went beet red

"W-what?" She asked in shock

"Was that too much?" Barry asked nervously as she smiled widely

"No, it was actually pretty cute." Caitlin giggled, during their talk a man in a ski mask walked in with his gun raised

"Money, bag now!!" He demanded as Barry put his arm out in front of Caitlin

"Caitlin, silent alarm." Barry whispered as she nodded and slowly reached under the counter and pressed the red button.

"Hurry up!!" The man yelled pointing his gun directly at Barry's forehead. Caitlin was terrified for her life and for Barry's but when she looked at him she saw he was barely reacting.

"" The man said putting his hand out

"How" Barry said punching the man in the face and snatching the gun out of his hand

"You're unde-" Barry cut himself off remembering he wasn't an agent anymore

"Are you okay?" Caitlin asked rushing over to Barry as he smiled

"Cait, i'm fine thank you." He smiled as the man rushed out the door only to be kicked back down to the floor

"Are you two alright?" Natalia asked as they both nodded. Barry saw Natalia try and reach for her handcuffs only for her to remember that they weren't agents.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Barry asked as Caitlin shrugged her shoulders

"I'm a little shaken up, but i'll live." She smiled. She was wondering how Barry stared down the barrel of a gun and wasn't scared. Barry was about to walk away when she grabbed his hand and put a piece of paper in it, "My number." She winked as Barry chuckled. He walked outside as Natalia waved

"Barr, do you think it's a coincidence or is he part of the Colasanti's?" Natalia asked pinning the man to the floor

"Let's ask him." Barry said kneeling to the man's level, "Who do you work for?" He asked politely

"What the hell are you talking about man?" The guys asked stuggling to break free from Natalia's arm lock

"He's telling the truth." Barry sighed as Natalia did the same and let the man go

"This is so frustrating." Natalia exclaimed throwing her hands up, "I hate feeling like anytime i walk out into public i'm going to get assassinated or someone is going to kidnap me, when are they going to hurry up and find us so we get arrest them." She exasperated

"I know Nat, but we have to stay put, because we can't risk bringing the Colasanti Family here. This town is full of innocent people if they find us they're going to kill them all." Barry said peering over at Caitlin who was in the store but clearly still in shock

"You take care of her, i'll bring this loser in." Natalia said throwing the man against the wall. Barry walked back into the shop which startled Caitlin.

"Sorry, sorry, i just wanted to make sure you were 100% okay." Barry said as she bit her lip nervously

"I'm fine Barry." She said with a fake smile

"Cait, i've been to enough therapy to know when someone is with lying or scared." Barry sighed

"You could of died Barry, why didn't you do what he said?" She asked sadly

"Because if i did, he would of pointed his gun at you." Barry said rocking on his heels which made her heart flutter and her stomach to erupt with butterfiles.

"Thanks you Barry." Caitlin smiled greatfully and kissing him on the cheek, now it was Barry's turn to blush.

"Hey Cait?" Barry asked scratching the back of his neck nervously which made Caitlin giggle 

"Yeah?" She asked

"Dinner tonight?" He asked as her smile grew wider

"I'd love to." She smiled as Barry exhaled in relief

"I'll see you tonight." Barry winked before leaving the store in a little twinkle

Caitlin did a little dance knowing she had a date with her knight in shining armour

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