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--Three years later--

He was out of breath from running but he could see his taget in front of him. So close after months of tracking him down. He felt the target escaping until his path was blocked with a car. Barry used that time to tackle him and put him in cuffs.

"Thanks." Barry puffed

"No worries." Natalia said rolling down her window, "I'll bring him, you can go home." She said 

"I'll do it, go home to your girlfriend." Barry smiled as she nodded. 

He picked the man up by his cuffs and hauled him back to the FBI. A month after they put Gregory away Natalia and Barry were promoted to Senior Special Agents and were highly respected amongst the entire FBI since they were the youngest in FBI history to make that rank.

"I finally finished all my work." He heard one of the new trainee field agents sigh.

"Goodwork, go home, your girlfriend is waiting." Barry smiled as she shot up from her seat.

"I-I'm awake." She panicked

"April, go home, i got this." Barry laughed as she nodded.

Natalia was put in-charge of training the new trainee, April Rosewell. Her and April hit it off immediately and a year after their first meeting April finally gathered up her feelings and confessed them to her senior agent. Natalia was conflicted at first but with some wise adivce from her brother she pursued her own happiness for once in her life and accepted April's feelings.

"See you tomorrow." April yawned

"Don't stay up too late." He chuckled as he threw the man into a cell and locked it behind him.

"Good work Barry." Bob said as Barry let out a sigh and flopped into his chair, "What's wrong?" He asked seeing Barry have his head in his hands.

"Dawn's been crying all night recently. It's been a while since i've gotten a good nights sleep." Barry mumbled

"I remember when my son used to cry." Bob laughed, "But when they growup they'll be your pride and joy." He finished

"I wish i could of see Luke and Kara grow up." Barry said

"Go home to your family and do your paperwork tomorrow." Bob said as Barry nodded and left the building.


Kara let out a small giggle while holding her new born sister in her arms as Luke sat down on a chair and admired her.

"Your sister isn't a shrine." Caitlin chuckled.

"Mom she's so cute though." Kara said with a smile on her face.

"And she's so very tired." Luke said lifting his sister of out her arms. They heard the door knock and saw Caitlin jog over to the door with a smile on her face. She opened it and embraced Barry in a hug

"Welcome home." She whispered. She looked up at his face ands aw that he was practically already asleep. She tried to drag him along but he was too heavy. She was struggling until Luke and Kara lifted him under his arms.

Caitlin smiled at her two children before they dragged him to his bed. THey threw him on which made a thud sound then they heard groaning.

"Softer next time." Barry mumbled

"Sorry daddy." Kara smiled before leaving a soft kiss on his temple as they left.

Caitlin walked in and yanked his shoes off and his shirt.

"Goodnight Barr." Caitlin whispered as she curled up next to him and shut their lamps off. She felt his arms wrap around her and his soft breath ontop of her head.

"I love you." He whispered as she smiled and closed her eyes and felt sleep sweep over her.


"Please!" April begged catching Barry off guard

"What?" He asked confused. He knew that April was socially awkward and wasn't good at meeting new people but she was acting weirder than normal

"Uh, i-....." She let out a sigh as her tone softened, "Me and Nat have been dating for two years now and, i love her.......like really love her, but i can't express it properly because i have bad people skills. So....i want to ask her to marry me, but i want your permission first, so can i have your permission to marry Natalia." April finally blurted out causing Barry to laugh

"Natalia's gone through some rough relationships and she was questioning her sexuality long before she met you but when she did meet you she completely changed. She was smiling all the time, she was excited to come to work and would stay late for you. I've never seen my sister that happy, thank you." Barry smiled, "As for your request, i'll whole heartedly support you, you have my permission." He said as April smiled with tears in her eyes and hugged him

"What if she says no? Oh my god i didn't think about it, if she says no can we still date?!" April panicked as Barry flicked her head.

"She's going to say yes, stop being a weirdo and go buy a ring, take her out then ask her." Barry smiled

"I.....already bought a ring." April said showing him a flashhy diamond ring

"Actually screw it, ask her now." Barry said

"Wha-no way!" April exclaimed, "I can't even ask for a pen without stuttering how am i going to propose in front of everyone?" She said

"I've got a plan don't worry." He smiled as he gave her a thumb up. They walke back into the main office where people were working, talking and laughing until Barry stood on a chair and cleared his throat loudly.

"Everyone, April and Natalia need the room." Barry said. Instantly everyone was gone in a flash leaving just April and Natalia

"What was that about?" Natalia asked in confusion

"Ah...Uh...Natalia, you know i love you right?" April asked nervously as she nodded

"Yeah.......oh my god you're breaking up with me..." Natalia said with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to eat the last piece of pizza, i was hungry, please don't leave me" Natalia cried into April's shirt as she held her close.

"I'm not breaking up with you Nat, in fact the opposite" April said as she slowly reached into her pocket.

"When we first met i was an awkward person who could barely hold a conversation, but you kept talking to me and bugging me and ever since i've loved you with my whole heart. This is kinda overdue but......Natalia Rose Allen, will you please marry me?" April asked as a tear slipped out of Natalia's eye.

"Yes........yes i'll marry you." Natalia cried happily as she kissed her now fiancee.

They heard loud clapping and cheers as everyone else walked back in with large smiles on their faces

"Did you all hear that?!" April exclaimed as they all nodded. April nearly blacked out from embarrassment but she was too happy to.

"Cheers, to Nat and April." Barry said holding up a water bottle since they weren't allowd to drink. Everyone picked up their cups and raised them up.

"Cheers!!!" Everyone yelled out as April kissed Natalia one more time.

"I love you." She whispered

"I love you more." Natalia responded with a smile as April slipped the ring onto her finger.

And just like that....Barry Allen and Natalia Allen both found their soulmates in unlikely places, but alas, they both fell in love, in a hearbeat.

(A/N: That concludes Love in a Heartbeat. Thank you for reading this far, i really appreciate it and all the votes, comments and views, it really makes my day when people leave comments and vote so thank you. Let me know your final thoughts about the story and yeah, see you in another story :)

Love In a Heartbeat - Snowbarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now