Simple Life

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Caitlin Snow was nothing special, sure everyone in her local home town knew her and she was friends with nearly everyone, but that was because her family ran the local bakery and she was really nice and smart. Her family wanted her to go to a proper college to study science and get a fufilling job, but she loves her home town and everyone in it. She would rather a nice bakery then a fancy job at Mercury or STAR Labs, but one thing was very fufilling about her working at the bakery which was a certain customer. Barry Allen came in every Wednesday for his breakfast which is why Caitlin loved Wednesdays more than every other day and she was best friends with his younger sister, Natalia Allen. 

"Morning Cait." Barry smiled as he opened the door as the bell let out a little twinkle.

"Morning Barry, the usual?" She asked as he smiled and nodded

"Thanks Cait." He said. Caitlin hated nicknames but when Barry called her Cait one time by accident she felt a huge rush of butterfiles and happiness.

Barry and Natalia were always a mystery to everyone in the town, they only moved there a couple months ago and yet everyone feels like they've known them for years. In his first month in Spring Valley, Barry had already made friends with most people in the neighbourhood and ever since then he's been the talk of the town. But to Caitlin something about Barry and Natalia seemed off, like they weren't telling anyone the truth about them. In truth no one knew Barry or Natalia's past every time someone would ask they would immediately change the topic.

"How's your day so far?" Caitlin asked while smiling at Barry

"Better now that i'm here." He said with a goofy grin on his face that combined with his passing comment made Caitlin blush furiously

"Here you go, one blue berry muffin and flat white and say hi to Nat for me." Caitlin smiled as Barry nodded and thanked her and paid for his food. Caitlin watched as her day darkened slightly as Barry waved before leaving the bakery. She sighed dreamily waiting for the next Wednesday to roll around.


Six months had passed since Barry and Natalia's life had changed forever, they were the best agents in the FBI and they had worked so hard for so long and after seven months they eventually managed to track down the most notorious and dangerous crime family , The Colasanti Crime Family. But it didn't go according to plan, someone within the FBI tipped off the Colasanti Family and half of them manged to escaped arrest and because of that Barry and Natalia had to go into witness protection much against their wishes.

"Morning Greg and Larry." Barry smiled waving to his two neighbours.

"Morning Barry." Greg nodded

"Mornin' Barry, i'm off to go sell some ATVs." Larry waved as he struggled to control his own ATV while driving.

"Going for a morning walk?" Barry asked as Greg nodded

"Yes, i find them rather relaxing maybe you shoud try it it sometime." Greg pointed out before walking off down the road. Barry walked into his house and walked into his office to continue working on the case despite his orders to drop it, he kept going knowing it could possibly blow their cover. He needed to find the remaining people he couldn't catch and put them away because being and FBI agent completed him and without it he feels........usless. He sighed and threw his pen against the wall out of fustration, he ripped every thing of his bulletin board punched it out of anger.

"Are you okay?" Natalia asked leaning on the door and seeing her brother in a state she had never seen him before.

"I feel so usless, we're the ones who caught them in the first place so why can't we be the ones to catch the rest." Barry sighed dropping onto the couch

"It's okay Barr, remember what mom use to tell us when we were kids?" Natalia asked

"That we would change the world, but it's never easy and there is no such thing as a shortcut." Barry smiled as Natalia plopped onto the couch as well

"We're going to catch those Colasanti bastards and when we do we can go home." Natalia smiled resting her head on his shoulder, "Unless....." She teased

"Don't even Nat, don't even." Barry chuckled as she wriggled her eyebrows

"That baker has the hots for you." Natalia teased, "If you won't tap that then i will." She said with her hands up causing Barry to burst into laughter, "What? I swing both ways." She giggled, "But seriously when are you going to ask her out she obviously likes you." Natalia said punching his shoulder

"I don't know Nat, what's the point of getting into a relationship when we're just to end up leaving, and i don't wanna do that to Caitlin she obviously loves her job and town so i don't wanna force her to move back with me." Barry sighed running his hands through his hair

"Barr, trust me we're going to be here a while considering the FBI lost their two best agents and you destoryed our board." Natalia sighed slightly

"Yeah sorry about that." Barry chuckled sheepishly.

"Barr, you've been through so much. You deseve to be happy." Natalia encouraged

"What about you Nat, what do you deserve?" Barry asked

"I don't know." She sighed slouching back into the couch

"You deserve happiness as well Nat." Barry chuckled as she pouted and shrugged her shoulders

"You know how my previous relatinoships have gone." She sighed

"Well that's because you haven't found the right guy yet and you will eventually." Barry said rubbing her head and messing her hair up a bit

Some things never change, but soon for Barry, Natalia, Caitlin and everyone in Spring Valley, their whole lives will change.

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