Someone in Need

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The cold water ran down her face and down her body as she let out a deep breath. Her silent tears mixed with the cold water as she let out sob. Her hands stained with blood as it slowly drained from her hands. Her entire body trembling with worry and fear. She got out of the shower and got dressed for the day and put away her clothes from the previous day. She got in her car and drove, but not to work, she drove straight to the hospital.


"Someone help my brother is bleeding badly!!!" Natalia cried out as attendants rushed towards their carriage. They tried to wake him up whilst covering the wound, but Natalia had already prepared herself for the worst. Barry and Ray taught her to be strong, but she couldn't feel any weaker, all she could do was pray that their parents would watch over him.

The train couldn't make any emergency stops as it was two minutes away from the Washington Station so Barry had to hold out for at least three minutes if not longer. Those two minutes felt like an eternity to Natalia, she felt as if the world had slowed down and each passing second her brother was closer and closer to dying. 

Once the train had stopped their was already an ambulance waiting for them and they rushed Barry into the ambulance and took off leaving Natalia and Patty at the station.

"What are you going to do now?" Patty asked

"I.....don't know." Natalia whispered sadly feeling her eyes getting heavier

"I'll call you a cab, get some rest, then visit Barry tomorrow." Patty said as Natalia nodded. Once the cab arrived Natalia got in and ignored the weird look she got for having blood all over her. She got into her apartment and fell onto the couch. She put her hand over her eyes and let out a painful sob until it just wouldn't stop.

She awoke on her couch still covered in her clothes from yesterday, which reminded her that it wasn't a dream, combined with the blood on her hands. She climbed into the shower and washed off her body.

--End of Flashback--

She arrived at the hospital and walked in and headed straight to Barry's room. She snuck past the nurses because she wanted to get to Barry as fast as possible. She opened the door and saw Barry unconscience on the bed. She sat on the chair next to his bed and held his hand.

"Hey Barr, i know i should be at work right now, but i can't leave my brother here by himself." Natalia chuckled sadly, "I remember when we went to New York and the same thing happened, i was so scared that i would lose you, and you went and did the same thing." She said clenching her teeth as tears ran down her cheeks. She wiped her tears and smiled, "I'll visit you once i get off work." She smiled standing from her seat and leaving his room.

*   *   *

--Spring Valley--

Caitlin mulled over this decision for days trying to decide her own future. She knew no matter what she would meet with Barry again and admit her feelings but she had never even left Spring Valley and going to Washington by herself would be daunting. She also decided that once she was in Washington that she would contine her studies in forensic sciences and work her way up until she was working along side Barry and Natalia in the FBI. People in her town called her a dreamer and that her dreams weren't within reach but she would prove them wrong.

"I'm off." She smiled as she boarded the train towards Kandos Bay. While on the train she looked over at the TV which displayed the news

"A man was found on the train in critical condition after a stab wound to the chest and doctors sat he's in stable condition, no further updates have been notified." The news anchor said as a photo of Barry came up. Caitlin felt her heart stop beating upon seeing Barry's face on the news and hearing he had been stabbed and nearly killed. She could already feel her tears welling up in her eyes and her heart contracting. She let out a small sob, until the person seated next to her handed her a hankerchief.

"Thanks." Caitlin smiled wiping her tears away.

"No problem." The man replied, "Can i ask why you're crying?" He asked

"Oh, it's just my friend got hurt, and i'm worried about him." She said

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said, "My name's Cisco by the way." He said extending his hand

"Nice to meet you, i'm Caitlin.....Caitlin Snow." She smiled

"Where are you headed Caitlin?" Cisco asked

"Uhh Washington, i'm studying to be a forensic scientist." Caitlin said smiling

"Really? That's pretty cool." Cisco chuckled, "I don't wanna brag, but got a job as a tech consultant at the FBI." He smiled proudly

"The FBI? For Real?" Caitlin asked as Cisco nodded, "We might work together in the future." She smiled

"I look forward to it." Cisco replied.

*   *   *

"Sir, we've failed to kill Barry Allen." He spoke 

"Again?" Gregory Colasanti, the current head of the Colasanti family asked

"What should we do Gregory?" Samantha, his younger sister asked, "If we let the Allen siblings live any longer they'll eventually expose us and everything you've built over the last decade." She said worriedly

"Don't worry about that Sammy, let your brother handle this." Gregory smiled, "Gather as many men that are available.

"Yes sir, may i ask why?" Someone asked

"We're preparing a war." 

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