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Natalia stood there in shock having heard Patty's question. To be honest she counldn't answer that question and didn't even know if Barry could. Personally Natalia thought Barry and Caitlin were meant to be but recent events made her question that.

"Well, Barry's relationship status is kinda complicated." Natalia chuckled sheepishly

"Oh i see." Patty said sadly

"Don't get me wrong you two would be cute together, but you need to ask my brother." Natalia smiled patting Patty's shoulder

"Ask me what?" Barry asked causing Natalia to jump

"Barry!!" Natalia exclaimed slapping his arm, "Stop sneaking up on me." She scolded

"You just get scared easily." Barry teased, "Remember that one time on one of our cases we were in a warehouse and you were practically hugging my arm." Barry teased further. Natalia slapped Barry's chest and turned away.

"Stupid Barry." She mumbled. Patty watched and laughed at them causing Natalia to laugh as well, "Wouldn't you be scared if you were in a warehouse at night with a serial killer on your first case?" Natalia asked Patty hoping for some back-up

"Kinda i guess." Patty smiled, "I'm just curious, are you partners?" She asked

"Yup." Barry smiled

"I thought having a relative as a partner wasn't allowed?" Patty asked

"That is a CCPD rule not an FBI rule." Natalia said smiling, "And i'm glad it is, we make up for eachother's weaknesses." She said, "Barry's bad at paperwork and has a short attention span and i'm not the best at thinking outside the box." Natalia finished

"So you do your paperwork and his?" Patty asked

"I do mine and sometimes check his to make sure he's not making any big mistakes that could blow up the case we're working." She said putting her hands on her hips and staring at Barry

"That happened once." He said. While they were walking around the town having fun Barry noticed someone following them. "Natalia, Patty someone tailing us." He muttered

"What do we do?" Patty asked

"Act natural, wait for him to make a move on us then we take him down." Barry whispered as they nodded. The man sped up and reached into his pocket. He sped up into a full sprint and charged at Barry. Barry backed up but tripped on a pole and the man stabbed Barry in the shoulder. Natalia pushed and man and flipped him over her shoulder.

"Are you okay Barry?" Patty asked

"I guess we're never safe." Barry chuckled holding his shoulder

"Barry don't take the knife from ou-" Natalia said but then stopped after seeing Barry take out the knife.

"Why are you acting like this happens on a regualr basis?" Patty chuckled clutching Barry's wound

"Because it does." Barry and Natalia said bluntly

"You should go to a hospital Barry." Patty urged

"I can treat the wound, if we go to a hospital someone might try and kill us." Natalia said. SHe slung Barry's arm around her shoulder and helped him to his feet.

"The next train to Washington comes in thirty minutes." Patty said

"We'll catch the train because the sooner we get to Washington the safer we're going to be." Barry said gritting his teeth from the pain. Barry put his jacket on to cover up the blood and they began to walk over to the train station. Barry forced his eyes open and tried to look as normal as possible. Thry got on the train and closed the carriage doors (A/N: Like the train from Harry Potter) Natalia started to sew Barry's wound shut as he gritted his teeth tighter as to not yell.

"Nearly done hang in there." Natalia said citting the thread and tying it up.

"How do you feel?" Patty asked

"I feel absolutely wonderful." He chuckled

"When we get to Washington then we can to go a hospital, we should be safe there." Natalia said rubbing his shoulder

"Who actually stabbed you and why?" Patty asked

"We're in witness protection from the most dangerous crime family in the world." Barry said

"The Colasantis?!" Patty asked as Natalia slapped her hand over Patty's mouth

"Shhhh, they've got people and ears everywhere if they find us here we're done for. There are two stops from here to Washington, we have to be very careful." Natalia said

"Got it." Patty nodded. During the ride Natalia was periodically peeking out of their carriage to make sure no one was acting suspicious. Barry's vision was becoming spotty and he could barely keep his eyes open. His forehead was covered in sweat and his breathing was becoming heavy.

"Natalia i think his wound is becoming infected." Patty panicked

"Barry, hey, keep your eyes open." Natalia said patting his cheek, "Barry don't you dare close your eyes." She said shaking him 

"I'm so tired." Barry mumbled

"Barry you promised that you would never leave me alone." Natalia whispered tears threatening to come out her eyes

"I'm sorry Nat." Barry whispered, "I'm so proud of you. Mom and dad would be too." He smiled

"They're proud of you as well, after all this is done we can visit their graves, together." Natalia smiled tearily. Barry closed his eyes but his breathing was still so heavy.

"Help doctor!!!" Patty yelled as Natalia looked at her, "Either Barry dies here or he can get help, which one?" Patty asked

"Someone my brother is bleeding badly!!" Natalia yelled as someone attendants rushed over, "Mom and dad, please watch over him." She prayed silently

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