Don't Leave

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Can i be a good father? Was the only question on his mind. He killed someone a few days ago and his children saw it, how can he call himself a good parent. 

"Kara, Luke, c'mon here." Barry said as they walked over to him and sat across from him.

"Are you two doing alright?" He asked as they nodded

"Da-Barry, we're fine." Kara said smiling. Luke let out a small snort after hearing his sister's slip up.

"I said i was going to keep you safe and i failed, i'm sorry." Barry said as Kara embraced him once again.

"Stop saying such dumb things." Caitlin said softly karate chopping Barry on the head.

"You should be studying Miss." Barry said lifting her off her feet and planting a kiss on her forehead cauing her to blush.

"Gag." Kara whispered.

"Don't be rude to your dad." Luke teased.

"Shut up." Kara mumbled throwing a pillow at him.

A knock on the door interupted the noise and instantly everyone was on gaurd.

"Relax, it's Nat i asked her to come over." Barry said opening the door to see his little sister staring at him.

"Barry can i talk to you for a second?" Natalia whispered. Barry walked oustide of the apartment into the hallway and closed the door behind them

"What is it?" He asked

"We're being moved again." Natalia said

"What do you mean?"

"As in Watson is putting us back in witness protection." She said, "He said it was too dangerous for us to be out in public again."

"What about Caitlin, Kara and Luke?" Barry asked

"I don't know."

"When does he want to move us?" Barry said

"Today." Natalia answered

"No, i'm not leaving my family." Barry said with a stern tone.

"Don't be stupid Barry, you alone can't protect those Kara, Luke and Caitlin and you know that. The Colasanti's won't touch your family they'll go after you and you alone, if you stay with them you're putting them in danger." Natalia said which slapped some sense back into her brother.

She was right. He can't protect them properly. He was conflicted on what to do, maintain their current lives and put them in harms way or leave them.

"You're right...." Barry sighed knowing he'd have to say goodbye.

When they walked in Kara had Luke in a headlock while Caitlin tried to de-escalate the situation. Upon seeing the situation Natalia let out a small laugh while Barry stood their with his 'dad' face.

"S-Sorry." Kara said releasing her brother from the headlock as Caitlin let out a breath of relief.

"I have to talk to you guys." Barry said which grabbed their attention. He took a deep breath and wondered if this was the right decision, he wondered if he should leave a note behind saying why he disappeared.

"You guys aren't safe anymore." Barry spoke, "The Colasanti's are looking for me and you guys will be caught it the crossfire, i don't want that for you. I don't want you guys to live a life where you have to constantly look over you shoulder." He said. He could feel tears building up in his eyes upon seeing the distraught and saddened look on their faces.

"W-What are you saying Barry?" Caitlin asked

"Me and Nat are going back into witness protection." Barry finally said.

"No!" Kara exclaimed, "Why....why are you leaving us?!" She asked with tears falling from her eyes. Luke was desperately holding his saddness at bay.

Barry swept Kara and Luke into a hug and felt their arms wrap around him. He had only met them a couple weeks ago, but he hates seeing them not smile.

"I'm sorry, i know this is hard for you, but please be strong." Barry whispered

"We promise." Luke answered wiping his eye with his sleeve.

"We can we see you again?" Kara asked

"I don't know." Barry asnwered. Kara wiped her eyes only for more to appear.

"Come back safely because we'll be" Kara smiled. Barry felt his heart warm hearing Kara call him dad.

He kissed her forehead and pulled Luke aside.

"You're sister is going to need you, be there for her, protect her." He said as Luke nodded.

"You don't need to tell me twice dad." Luke smiled as Barry ruffled his hair.

"I'm proud of you." Barry smiled.

Finally the goodbye he ddin't want to do, the person he didn't want to leave......not again....not ever.

"Cait, don't cry." He said softly wiping her tears with his thumb. No words were spoken Caitlin brought his face to hers and gave him a passionate kiss.

"I love you." Caitlin whispered

"I love you too." He said giving her one more kiss before looking at his family one more time.

Natalia said her goodbyes to Caitlin, Kara and Luke before leaving the apartment with her brother.

"Where does Watson want us?" Barry asked

"Star City."

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