Leads and Dead Ends

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He pushed through crowds of people seeing his lead so close in front of him. He jumped, ducked and ran through the crowds trying to make sure that all of his hard months of work weren't for nothing. It's at times like these when Barry wished he had powers, but everyone said he did, his brain. In just four months Barry was able to get new leads on the Colasanti Crime Family when no one else could and this led him to now.

"Nat, he's going to escape!!" Barry yelled into his comms pushing pass another person.

"Don't worry Barr, i got him." Natalia said driving her car in front of the suspect but to her suprise he made a left turn and jumped over the fence and into a window and into the night.

"Dammit." Barry grunted kicking a nearby bin

"Sorry Barr." Natalia said coming out of her car

"It wasn't your fault Nat." Barry said putting his hand on her shoulder sympathetically

"You've worked so hard on this case and finally when you get a lead i let him get away." She said dropping her shoulders while frowning

"Nat, look at me." Barry said as Natalia lifted her head up, "You gotta stop blaming yourself, criminals get away it happens and it's not always your fault." He said as she nodded slightly

"Okay, but i can see that you're tired." Natalia said looking at Barry, "Wait, when was the last time you slept?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest

"Nat, i'm fine trust me." Barry said but still seeing his sister's disapproving look, "Fine like two days ago." He said like it was nothing causing her to slap his arm

"Idiot, you can't go and fight criminals when you haven't slept in two days." She scolded like his mother, "Especially when you're up against The Colasanti Crime Family." She said dragging him by the arm into her car, "Seriously what were you thinking." She sighed

"I was thinking that if i slept they could get away and because i didn't sleep i cracked the case and we got a lead but i was too slow to catch him." He sighed putting his head in his hands

"Barr, the case doesn't always come first, you need to start taking care of yourself again, get some sleep, eat proper food and then we can get back on the case." Natalia said patting his shoulder as he yawned and nodded. As soon as he closed his eyes he was fast asleep.

She drove Barry back to his apartment but one thing struck her. She wasn't strong enough to carry him there.

"I guess you're sleeping in my backseat then." Natalia sighed as she slowly pulled him out the front seat and pushed him into the backseat, "Sorry Barr." She said wincing slightly but seeing he was still fast asleep. She drove back to the FBI and was stuck on deciding whether or not to wake Barry up or not, "Barr." She sighed deciding to wake him up for the briefing then he can go to sleep again, "Barry!!" She yelled again but still no answer, "Bartholomew!!" She yelled louder as Barry jolted up

"I'm up, i'm up." He said rubbing his eyes and statically looking around the place

"Barr, calm down." Natalia giggled

"I was sleeping." Barry whined

"Yeah, but you've gotta brief everyone seeing as you're the lead agent on this case." Natalia face palmed

"Oh right." Barry said trying to keep his eyes open. They walked through the large glass doors, scanned their ID's and walked to the briefing room

"You're late Mini Allen and Allen." Eobard joked

"I'm sorry, we're late." Natalia said quickly putting her case files on the desk and sitting down, "And Barry hasn't slept in two days." She sighed

"Okay.....the target i was chasing name is Joel Cortez, one of the bagmen fo The Colasanti's. Word on the street is that he handles the transactions between the hitman and the Colasnati's. If we can catch him we can ID the hitman who can lead us the Colasanti Family." Barry said blinking his eyes open

"Good work Allen, go get some rest, you need it." Bob Andersonn said. Bob was one of the senior agents and he worked closely with both Natalia and Barry. Barry walked out of the room and into the break room where he fell onto the couch and fell asleep again.

"Are you headed home or are you going to help your brother with his case?" Bob asked as Natalia shrugged her shoulders

"He's been working so hard for these past few months, and i let Cortez escape so the least i could do is run down some of my CI's and see if i can get a location on Cortez." Natalia said putting her on her leather jacket.

"Natalia, be careful, if the Colasanti's didn't know that they're being investigated, they know now, don't let your guard down." Bob said as Natalia smiled and nodded before leaving the building. She called all of her CI's and none of them knew anything about Joel Cortez or a hitman that works with the Colasanti family and it's at times like these when she wonders how Barry even found Cortez, so she called up all of Barry's CI's. All the leads she was working ended up at dead ends until one of them led her to the NYPD, more specifically the 99th precinct.

"Hi, my name is Special Agent Natalia Allen from the FBI and i was wondering if you could lend me your files on Joel Cortez?" She asked 

"I'll have to run it by my captain but i think you'll need to come to Brooklyn to actually get the files since we haven't digitised those files yet." The man said as Natalia sighed and nodded

"Me and my partner can be there tomorrow." She said hanging up and running her hands through her hair.

--Brooklyn - 99th Precinct--

"Jake who were you talking too?" Amy asked

"Someone from the FBI wants our files on Joel Cortez." He said slightly confused and walking over to his captain's office, "Hey captain." He waved as his captain looked up at him

"What do you want Peralta?" He asked

"An FBI agent named Natalia Allen wants our case files on Joel Cortez." Jake said as his captian's mouth dropped open, "Captain Holt, are you okay?" Jake asked as Holt smiled at the photo on his desk of him smiling and two young children in front of him with ice-cream cones in their hands.

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