Back-Up Has Arrived

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Barry held Caitlin close to him while she slept on his chest. It took a long explantion but Caitlin eventually stopped crying and was over joyed that her boyfriend and her best friend would be staying longer in Spring Valley. But in fact Barry wanted to be as far away as possible, Watson may not care what happens to this town but Barry and Natalia do. While he was having a mental conflict his phone started to ring. He saw the name and picked it up.

"Nat, what's wrong?" Barry asked concerned as he heard her little giggle

"Barr, i'm okay, i was just wondering where you were?" Natalia asked as Barry sighed in relief

"I'm at Cait's apartment, i'll be home in the morning, try and get some sleep Nat. Be safe." Barry said softly

"You too Barr." Natalia smiled hanging up the phone. Barry put his phone down and rubbed his hand through his hair

"Who was that?" Caitlin asked

"Natalia." Barry said kissing her temple, "I'm worried about her, i don't feel like leaving her alone while she's in that state." He sighed as Caitlin nodded and rubbed circles around his chest

"Go Barry, your sister needs you more than i do." Caitlin said

"Are you sure?" He asked as she nodded, "Then you're coming with me." He smiled pulling her off the couch with him.

"Okay." She smiled grabbing her coat as they left her apartment and walked to Barry's house under the darkness. While they were walking Barry felt a shiver in his spine, he looked in a nearby window and saw a man tailing them.

"Cait, don't freak out but we're being followed." Barry whispered and on instinct she hugged his arm, "Take this left." He said as she nodded and they turned the corner. Barry hid behind the wall and waited for the person to turn as well. Once they did Barry kicked them in the stomach and held them against the wall, "Who are you and why are you following us?" Barry demanded

"The Colansanti Family found you and your sister, you're not safe anymore, neither is this town." The man smirked as Barry grunted and punched him in the face.

"Cait, we need to go now." Barry said grabbing her hand as they ran back to his house. Once they got their they saw the front door open, "Get behind me." Barry said as Caitlin nodded and did just that. once they got in they looked around cautiously and heard a loud crash from the kitchen, "Natalia." Barry whispered worriedly as he ignored all safety and ran into the kitchen.

He ran in and saw Natalia in her wheelchair while rubbing her head and a bag of flour all over the floor.

"Nat?" He asked as she jumped slightly

"Jeez, i thought you were with Caitlin?" Natalia said holding her chest as Caitlin smiled and walked around the door.

"I thought something bad happened to you." Barry sighed in relief.

"Why?" Natalia asked

"First the door was open and then i heard that loud crash." Barry chuckled, "And while me and Cait were walking over here someone was tailing us and it was a Colasanti bagman." He warned as she smiled happily

"The door was open because i burnt my cake and that stunk up the whole house, the crash was me trying to get the flour from my wheelchair and we're going to be okay Barr." Natalia said smiling as her smiled disappeared upon seeing the floor, "Barr, since you love me and you don't want me to get out of my wheelchair can you please clean this up?" She asked in her childish tone.

"Okay." Barry chuckled grabbing a broom as Caitlin put on a spare apron.

"I can help you with the cake." She said as Natalia's face lit up

"Thanks Caitlin." Natalia said smiling as Barry sweeped up the flour all over the floor. While they were baking and laughing with eachother the heard a knock at the door.

"I got it, Cait take Nat into the office and only open to door if i say so." Barry said as she nodded and wheeled Natalia away. Barry grabbed his gun and approached the door caustiously he opened it and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hello Barry." Ray said with his squad behind him

"What are you guys doing here?" Barry asked holstering his gun

"Captain told us about your situation and since we've been through something similar we thought we could led a hand." Jake smiled proudly.

"Why is there flour all over the floor?" Amy asked curiously

"Ohh it was Nat just being Nat." Barry chuckled as they walked into the house.

"Cait, Natalia, it's okay." Barry called out as Caitlin wheeled Natalia back into the kitchen

"Hi Ray." Natalia said happily

"Why is she in a wheelchair?" Terry asked confused

"Well, a week ago i got shot and the doctor said i have to stay in this wheelchair for two weeks just in case." Natalia sighed rubbing her thighs

"I'm sorry to hear that." Ray said sympathetically as he kneeled in front of her letting her take him into a hug

"I misses you." Natalia smiled as Ray chuckled and hugged her back

"As have i." He replied, "Kevin sends his regards." He said as she nodded

"Who are these people Barry?" Caitlin asked

"That is Raymond Holt the poilce detective that helped me and Natalia when we were kids and the rest of them are his detective squad." He said motioning to everyone

"Wait, how did you even know we were in Spring Valley?" Natalia questioned

"Because we're a squad of elite detecitves." Jake said proudly as everyone even his own wife sighed, "Fine Terry traced your call, which by the way is breaking the number one rule of witness protection." He finished causing Barry to chuckle

"I needed some advice from a wise man." Barry chuckled looking over to Ray

"So how are we taking these Colasanti bastards on? Grenades? Guns? Oh" Rosa smiled envisioning her masterpiece.

"Yeah, badass weapons, like the written word." Amy said trying to be cool but failing hard

"Not your best Ames." Jake said cringing slightly, "So who's the red head?" He asked Barry as he smiled over

"That's my girlfriend Caitlin." Barry said lovingly.

"And i see Hitchcock and Scully have already made themselves at home." Natalia giggled seeing the two sleeping on the couch

"Excuse them." Holt sighed at his two detectives, "We're here to ehlp, so what ever you need tell us." Holt said as Natalia and Barry nodded greatfully

"Who would of known that twenty years into the future and you're still taking care of us." Barry chuckled

"It's what parents do." Natalia smiled brightly as Holt smiled and let a tear slid down his face.

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