So Close

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Barry laid in his hospital bed with his food tray on his lap wondering and thinking about the dream he had, it all felt so real to him, he felt the love for Caitlin and the love for Nora even though she doesn't exist. He smiled slightly at how stupid he was thinking that would all come true, he put his spoon down and heard footsteps approaching his room. He wiped a quick tear then looked up and saw Natalia with a smile on her face.

"Hey Nat." Barry smiled as her smile grew wider and she ran over and hugged her brother

"We've done this too many times." Natalia chuckled tearily

"I'll stop going to the hospital when you do." Barry smiled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"I'm feeling fine." Barry lied. There was no physical pain, just emotional pain, "I'm ready for work." He said swinging his legs over the bed but Natalia pushed him back on the bed.

"No, no, no, no, i'll handcuff you to the bed if i have to, you're not leaving this hospital until you get discharged." Natalia said sternly

"Okay, mom." Barry said in a joking manner earning an unimpressed look from his sister, "Too soon?" He asked as Natalia sighed and left the room.

* * *

Caitlin got out of her taxi and looked at her phone to make sure she was at the right place. She looked at her phone and the big sign in front of her that read 'Washington Medical General'. It sounded creepy but she wanted to see him, she wanted to see him so badly, to apologise to him to tell him everything, hoping to get back to where they were before. She did a lot of research and conclued this is the hospital Barry was at......and she was right. She walked up the pathway with her heart thumping out of her chest, her legs were shaking so were her fingers, millions of scenerios running through her head.

"Hello, i'm here to visit Barry Allen." Caitlin said trying to act normally as the ledy behind the desk smiled and nodded. Caitlin heard something drop behind her and her head spun around.

"Why....are you here?" Natalia asked shocked having dropped Barry's tray of food.

"N-Natalia?" Caitlin asked sharing her shock, "I-I came to Washington to finish by degree in forensic science." She answered

"I mean why are you this hospital....asking to visit my brother?" Natalia asked anger rising in her body.

"I-I wanted to see him again.......i want to tell him i'm sorry." Caitlin said shamefully

"Sorry? You broke his heart Caitlin, Barry loved you and you threw that love back in his face." Natalia said she felt all of Barry's pain that day, she watched that day as the train doors closed and he watched out the window like a sad puppy. Natalia stormed past Caitlin and left the hospital.

"Don't let her near my brother." Natalia said to the desk lady before leaving. Caitlin chased after her to the parking lot.

"Please let me see him." Caitlin pleaded

"No means no, i don't want you to play with his emotions anymore." Natalia said stubbornly

"What can i do in order for you to let me see him?" Caitlin asked

"Did your relationship mean anything to you?"  Natalia asked as the clouds in the sky began to darken

" meant everything to me." Caitlin said trying to smile.

"Then why did you have to hurt him like that?!" Natalia yelled, "He used to dream about you, and every single time he would wake up different, he would never smile that entire day." She said sadly

"I-I didn't know." Caitlin said. In truth the exact same things happened to Caitlin

"Of course you didn't, i don't ever wanna see him like that ever again." Natalia said fearfully, "Barry's in the hospital recovering from his injuries, but the wounds you put on him......will last forever." She said before leaving once again. The sky began to pour down with rain as if God was watching and timed it perfectly. Caitlin looked up at the sky as her salty tears mixed with the rain drops. And on this cold day Barry felt a nice warmth in his chest followed by an emptiness.

The big question is, was Caitlin going to let this stop her from seeing Barry again...and the answer was of course no. Even if everyone in her life hated her as long as Barry didn't that would be enough for her, because Barry is the only constant she wants in her life. She walked away from the hospital and away from the hosptial to try another day to convince Natalia to let her see Barry.

"I love you Barry." Caitlin whispered to herself hoping that Barry would run out of the hospital and she could run into his arms, but some things aren't meant to be.........yet.

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