A Smile Never Fades

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"Hey Iris." 

"It's been ten years." Iris smiled as she hugged Barry.

Barry saw Caitlin get physically uncomfortable at this action.

"Iris, this is my girlfriend Caitlin Snow." Barry smiled happily as Iris' smile faded

"N-Nice to meet you." Caitlin said extending her hand. Iris smiled back and shook her hand

"Likewise." Iris smiled, "So what brings you by after ten years?" Iris asked

"I was kinda hoping you could put in a good word for Cait?" Barry smiled sheepishly

"Anything for a friend." Iris smiled. Barry let out a sigh of relief and thanked Iris.

He left the bakery with Caitlin in hand.

"Aren't you going to catch up with your friend?" Caitlin asked confused

"No." Barry said blankly. Caitlin instantly knew to stop asking questions.

"I need to go to the shops for dinner." Barry sighed as Caitlin smiled and hugged his arm

"I'll come." She smiled as Barry chuckled and nodded.

As they were shopping they heard a commotion near the isle they were in. Barry walked over to investigate and saw a man yelling at his daughter. Barry thought nothing of it until the man raised his hand and was about to strike her. She closed her eyes and braced for impact but when she opened her eyes the man's arm was being held behind his back

"What do you think you're doing....?" Barry asked in a low and threatening tone.

"But out of my business." The man huffed

"If you hit your daughter it would of been my business." Barry continued holding his arm tighter

"Buddy i said piss off." The man said clearly getting angrier.

"People like you make me sick." Barry said with digust in his tone as he flipped the man to the ground and stepped on his chest, "If i ever see you again......run." He whispered before looking at the girl. He recognised her as the girl from before.

"Here this is yours." Barry said smiling politely as he handed her, her ID.

"T-Thanks." Kara mumbled. She looked no older than fifteen and was going through something horrible. He looked at her and saw her arms were covered in bruises. 

"Kara, you're safe now." Barry smiled as Kara's hands began to shake. Barry ducked down as a fist swung over his head.

"That was a felony." Barry chuckled, "I'm afraid i'm going to have to arrest you." He threatened.

"Y-You're a pig?!" The man yelled in confusion. He tried to run away but was met with a purse to the face.

"Thanks Cait." Barry laughed

"Scumbag deserved it." Caitlin smiled. She walked over to Kara was holding her arms to stop herself from shaking.

"I'm sorry for what you've been through, i promise you'll be safe." Caitlin said hugging her as Kara hugged her back and cried into her shoulder. Barry pulled his phone out and dialed a number

"Hey Nat?" Barry said over his phone


"Can you swing by the market?" He asked

"Sure, you need something?" 

"Yeah, i need to bring someone in." Barry said

"Coming." He heard her say excitedly.

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