Welcome Arms

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The heavy humming of the van was the only thing that was heard. Everyone was silent as they were approaching the possible fight of their lives. Barry's gut was telling him that the path ahead of him wasn't going to be easy. I mean how did they find the address so easily? It had to be a trap.

He was holding a small photo of his family that he kept in his pocket to remind himself of why he was fighting. A photo of him, Caitlin, Kara, Luke and Natalia. He could feel his heart beating like crazy and his hands were shaking, until Natalia put her hands on his.

"I'm scared too......but we'll get through this." She whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Remember when we were kids Nat,  i promised that i would keep you safe for the rest of your life." He said looking down at her as she shook her head, "I wouldn't be here, with Caitlin or Kara or Luke if it weren't for you so thank you." He smiled

"Don't talk like you're gonna die." Natalia said wiping her eye with her shoulder

"Eyes up, we're here." Bob said cocking his gun back as everyone else did the same. Barry smiled one last time at his sister before they exited the van.

"Barry you lead team Beta through the side entrace, Patterson you're on breach....Natalia, you lead team Alpha through the main, we believe in you." Watson smiled as Natalia nodded nervously

"You got this...." She muttered to herself. Everyone got into place and a dead silence encompassed them. The rush of their blood, their thumping hearts and the heavy breathing.




"Breach." Watson said. At that moment every door was breached and the entire FBI flooded the building.

Chaos ensued as people opened fire on eachother. Barry was crouching behind a container as he peeked over and shot someone in the head, but his mind drifted to see if Natalia was safe. He looked over and admist the chaos he saw her under heavy fire by three people.

All his systems were telling him to stay there, to be safe, but his heart told him to save his sister. He stood up and ran at full pace through the gunfire and tackled one of people shooting at Natalia. He pinned the guy down and shot him in the head and the one in front of him.

He felt someone kick him down and heard the gun cock.

"Barry!!!" Natalia cried out as Barry stared down the barrel of a gun.

His entire life flashed before his eyes. His mistakes, his failures, his successes, his regrets, his guilt, his happiness and his family.


"Do think we'll start a family?" Caitlin asked causing Barry to spit his water out.

"N-Now?" He asked as Caitlin laughed at him.

"No, like sometime in the future." Caitlin said smilng and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well i like our family now, me, you, Luke and Kara." He said as she smiled and kissed his cheek

"I love them too, but i also love you." She said as he put his hands on her waist.

"Ewwwwww." Kara yelled out from the couch causing Caitlin to blush slightly.

Caitlin shot Kara a look before unwrapping herself from Barry's arms and started to walk towards Kara. She stood up from the couch and ran away as Caitlin chased after her.

Barry couldn't help but laugh as his girlfriend chased after a fifteen year old as her brother was on the floor dying of laughter.

--End of Flashback--

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