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The realization of my dream left me speechless to say the least. I was strictly dumbfounded. Completely and utterly blank. Most of my classes went by in a flash then it was the class I had been dreading. Mainly because I would have to see Ms. Howard. I walk slower to get to class. Students walk around me and turn to see if I'm doing fine. 

I feel a hard slap on my back and it brings me back into reality. I blink and glance at Jasmine who's smiling on side of me. "What?" I question. 

"You're moving slow, c'mon we'll be late."

I didn't want to see her. I shake my head and fake as if I'm searching for something. "Shit, I left my phone in my last class" I lie. Jasmine's eyes leave mine and land on my pockets. Her face falls, she knew I was lying. She kept her head tilted down at my phone but her eyes met mine. "Okay Casey. I'll see you in class don't be too late."

Stupid. Why was I such a fool? Couldn't I think of a better lie. Jasmine and I part ways. I head back towards the classroom from my last class. I just wanted to delay the possibility of seeing Kathryn Howard. But I knew that wouldn't happen. Not only was she a teacher at my school, she was my next door neighbor. 

Suddenly the idea of staying with my father for a few nights, didn't seem so bad. After a few minutes pass, I head towards my own classroom. I glance down the hallway, spotting Kathryn's door closed. I silently cheer to myself. More than likely when her door was closed she wanted her alone time.

I enter Mrs. Evans' classroom. All eyes on me. A particular pair included. What the absolute fuck?

She was supposed to be in her own classroom. I groan to myself as I make my way towards my English teacher. "Is there a reason you're 15 minutes late to my classroom?" 

"Uh, yea. I lost my phone so I went back to find it. I got it" I lie. If she wanted the real answer, I was trying to avoid the person sitting adjacent from her. I force my eyes away from Kathryn as Mrs. Evans nods her head. 

I make my way to my seat and ignore the one piercing gaze I felt from a special someone. And to think just a few days ago we were so flirty and touchy. A dream can literally change your perspective on things. I take my seat next to Jasmine and immediately busy myself with work. The brunette beside me makes small talk.

"Why did you lie to me?" she questions as she continues writing in her journal. 

"I didn't want to come to class." I admit. Jasmine's hazel eyes land on me, "Why?" 

I was still a bit iffy on letting my friend's know about Kathryn. Especially being that she's a teacher. "I don't think I can say."

Her eyes show a bit of sadness before she nods her head and continues with her work. Class goes on. Every so often my eyes land on Kathryn, whose attention was stuck on her best friend. I both wanted and didn't want her attention. But when her head turns and our eyes meet, I immediately glance away. 

Avoiding Kathryn was going to be harder than anything. Especially considering we were literally next door neighbors. I suck in a breath and glance up, still feeling her eyes piercing my skin. I clench my jaw and swallow hard as my eyes meet hers once again.

She eyes me for a few seconds before mouthing 'are you okay?' 

I faux confusion. I burrow my brows and decide to work instead. Avoiding her is going to be hard. Class continues. Every so often I could feel Kathryn's eyes on me. Pretty soon class ends.

I quickly gather my things and head towards the door. "Casey" I hear. My body tenses at the sound of my name escaping her mouth. Several students eye me, wondering if I had also heard it. Instead of turning, I force myself out of the classroom. Jasmine eyes me cautiously in confusion but she doesn't question it. 

I head towards the exit of the school, further confusing Jasmine. "Casey aren't you going to have lunch with us?" the brunette questions.

I shake my head and keep my eyes forward. "I- uh.... I don't feel good so I'm gonna head home."

I wasn't entirely lying. I felt sick. I didn't want to face Kathryn, especially not after the dream I've had.

- - - - -

I wake from my slumber to the sound of pounding on my door. I groan and glance over, feeling slightly like shit. The pounding continues. As well as the pounding in my head. I roll my eyes and sluggishly force myself from the comforts of my bed. Slowly, I make my way to the door. "For fuck sake" I hear on the opposite side of the door.

I immediately identify it as Cassandra's voice. What the hell was she doing here? And why was she banging on my door? Suddenly I hear my ringing phone in the other room. 

I let out a loud breath before opening the door, revealing a very disheveled sister. "My god, Case" she lets out a exasperated sigh. She moves in closer, slinging her arms around me and pulling me into a tight hug. I blink slowly, finally realizing the  figure behind her. My heart beat speeds up.

Why was she here? 

"I've been calling you for hours! Edwin said you were sick or something and I got worried and I came as fast as I could! What's wrong? Do you not feel good?"

I don't speak as my eyes continue taking Kathryn in. She looked rather intriguing. Almost too good to be true. 'I love you' the words repeat in my head the longer I eye her. Fuck. "Casey?" Cassandra questions, pushing me backwards. I blink from my stupor and glance at my sister. "I'm fine, I just felt sluggish earlier. There's nothing to worry about. You both can go."

Kathryn frowns. Cassandra doesn't budge. "I think I should stay here and watch after you. I don't need my little sister dying on me."

I chuckle, "Cass, I'm fine. Really. I just had a weird dream and it freaked me out today."

It was no use in lying about my behavior today. It was true. I felt out of place because of some silly dream I had. There was no reason why I would have to push anyone away. I was just scared. "Well that makes me feel a little better. I really think I should stay though."

I shake my head, "I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. Plus if anything happens Ms. Howard is right next door" I spit.

I could see in both Cassandra's and Kathryn's face that they felt weird about me calling her by her last name. I was so comfortable around the two of them that I could call her Kathryn. Cass glances behind her, at the woman before her eyes meet mine once again. "I-I guess I can leave then. Ju-just call me if something comes up okay?"

I nod my head. She hugs me once again before exiting my apartment. She smiles towards the brunette in the hallway before making her way towards the elevator. Kathryn's brown eyes meet mine.

I don't speak first. "Are you really okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I question. Her face falls. "Casey did I do something? You've been acting weird since this morning. You keep ignoring me."

I bite down my feelings. I couldn't risk anything. "Yeah, Ms. Howard, I'm fine. I would like to go back to sleep though, I'll see you tomorrow. Night."

I don't wait for her to reply as I shut the door in her face. Was I overreacting?

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